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New Benoni police commander needs you

The new commander at the Benoni Police Station is calling on you to join hands with the police to fight crime.

Brig Johan Jacobs took office on March 9.

He replaced Benoni SAPS acting station commander Col Martin van Nieuwenhuizen, who moves back to the Visible Policing (Vispol) structure at the station, as its head.

Jacobs has been with the police service for 37 years.

He was transferred from the Tembisa Police Station, where he served as station commander from January 2011.

Jacobs is hoping to rope in all aspects of the community to fight crime.

“They normally say that a new broom sweeps clean, but I do do not want to sweep clean; I need to build on what was already put in place,” he told the City Times.

The commander stressed the importance of the community’s involvement in fighting crime.

“Community relations is very important – that is what is carrying this station – that is why they are there,” he said.

He added that this involvement extends to the CPF, security companies and every citizen within the community, saying the police “cannot survive on its own”.

“We need all of us to take hands,” said Jacobs.

“We cannot be dividing and pointing fingers at each other, telling the one how useless and stupid they are.

“We are human beings; all of us make mistakes, but point out the mistakes.

“I appreciate positive criticism, because one can grow with positive criticism.”

He said his door will always be open to the community, and that he can be contacted 24/7.

“Take my hand, assist me and I will ensure that you get assisted,” he said.

Jacobs can be contacted on 082 461 1304.

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