
What is going on with Pretoria Road?

Herbert Trokis writes by email:

Motorists travelling north and south along Pretoria Road are encountering major problems in the section between Vlei Road and Waterson Street, Rynfield, because of major traffic congestion and the suspension endangering road that had been under construction.

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Gross inconsideration, lawlessness, carelessness and road rage are the constant order of the day.

Nothing is being done, although I have been told that numerous calls have been made to complain to the traffic authorities, who are still conspicuous by their absence.

It is almost a miracle that there has not yet been a serious accident.

In the last quarter of 2015, the Ekurhuleni Metro decided to upgrade and widen a 1km section of Pretoria Road, Rynfield, from Vlei Road to Waterson Street.

A portion of the upgraded and widened road was virtually completed by the middle of December, when the contractors closed for the holidays.

However, the section between Parker Street, Lessing Street and Vlei Road was largely incomplete and motorists of every type and size of vehicle had to motor on a temporary, compressed sand surface road.

That road has rapidly deteriorated to its appallingly bad, rutted and potholed condition.

The contractors have failed to return in the new year to complete the work and there is a rumour that they will not return as their funds are exhausted.

I have emailed and lodged a complaint with Ekurhuleni Metro.

However, judging from my and many others’ past experiences, I have little confidence that Ekurhuleni will do anything constructive anytime soon.

Please assist the East Rand public and the users of Pretoria Road by exercising whatever influence you may have to have the responsible authorities:

  •  Arrange for traffic officers to monitor Pretoria Road to prevent the current gross lawlessness and eliminate the extremely bad traffic congestion, especially at peak hours;
  •  Grade the road surface, as an interim measure;
  •  Have the balance of the road completed to the correct standard as a matter of the greatest urgency.

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