
‘Aromatic’ public toilets stink to high heaven

Peter Bachtis writes by email:

No need for the fragrance counters of Red Square, Edgars and other department stores.

Take a trip to the council offices in downtown Benoni and savour the aromas emanating from the public toilets situated close to the entrance of the Ekurhuleni offices.

This is puke heaven!

Surely someone is responsible for maintaining these facilities?

On the other hand a business-minded entrepreneur could sell scented masks to hide the disgusting odours.

But I must give a bouquet, because someone has seen to it that we no longer have to wade through tons of bird poop to get to the entrance … the bird poop cleaning squad are on top of their game.

I appeal to Mary Goby to intervene and sort out this mess … and those who are responsible get your backsides into gear because Mary will not tolerate this extraordinary lapse in keeping public toilets sanitised.

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