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Do’s and don’ts in a hijacking

Following a recent spate in hijackings in Benoni, Crystal Park SAPS media liaison officer Tryna Maritz provided the following do's and don'ts when hijacked and tips on how to reduce your chances of becoming a victim of the crime:

  •  Do everything the hijackers tell you to do;
  • Remain orientated regarding your movements, direction, time and place;
  •  Remain calm and try not to panic or become hysterical;
  •  Fall flat and remain down during the incident;
  •  Do not offer any form of resistance;
  •  Do not become abusive and aggressive or lose your temper;
  •  Do not not threaten or provoke the suspects;
  •  Do not try to be a hero;
  •  Do not make any demands;
  •  Do not try to escape as this could place you at risk;
  •  Always be aware of your surroundings (the area and people walking in the streets);
  • Drive pass your house if you feel unsafe, uncomfortable or suspect that you are being followed;
  • Phone SAPS to report suspicious people and vehicles.

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