Editor's note

Let’s remember the significance of Youth Day

Youth Day, June 16, is a day in South African history that has played a major role in the development of the new democratic South Africa.

On this day in 1976 the youth of South Africa stood up for what they believed in, which was the equal treatment and education of all South African students and the removal of Afrikaans as the dominant learning medium in schools.

The pupils not only fought back against the apartheid government, but also showed the brutality of the apartheid regime in what became known as the Soweto Uprising.

June 16 has now become a public holiday for South Africa and a day where people, both young and old can relax at home and take a day for themselves.

Like any other public holiday children are excited as they come to terms with the idea of no school and an extra day to do their weekend homework. Adults are relaxed as it is a day for them to sleep in and take the day slowly with the family, which will be enjoyed by all.

A day off is greatly appreciated by all, who wouldn’t want a day off?

But sometimes public holidays are meant to be remembered and celebrated, and by not doing so are we not forgetting the reason and significance of the public holiday?

What significance does Youth Day hold if we as South African citizens only care about the day off and do not attend the memorials and festivals that occasionally occur to commentate this day?

Youth Day is claimed to be a day that helped change South Africa for the better, its significance in South Africa can not be overlooked.

However, this is what is happening within a new generation, the born free generation (the 1994 generation), and a generation with minimal interest in the political, historical and cultural knowledge of public holidays in South Africa.

Let us not overlook the fact that there is knowledge held by some of the youth about public holidays, but this is becoming less and less and the significance of public holidays will be lost to South African society unless more importance is emphasised on public holidays, such as Youth Day. SL

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