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iThemba spreads care to school girls

The iThemba Rape and Trauma Support Centre handed over 289 dignity packs to girls at the East Rand School of the Arts (Ersa) on Wednesday, February 11.

The society raised over R24 000, through generous donations of friends of iThemba, to bless each female pupil between Grade Eight and 12, at Ersa, for Valentine’s Day.

Each bag contained six washable 100 per cent cotton sanitary pads, three pairs of panties, a sealable bag for soiled pads, a cotton drawstring bag and an instruction sheet.

Sandra Millar from Dignity Dreams addressed the girls and explained how the pads, which last for five years, are made and how to look after them.

iThemba public relations officer Rose Maja and centre manager Natasha Zaayman then addressed the girls briefly on the what iThemba does.

Each girl was also given a donation of face wash and cream and asked to “pay it forward” by giving it to someone for Valentine’s Day.

iThemba thanked the principal and staff at Ersa for allowing the team to visit the school.

Despite having run R9 000 short, as the bags were purchased at a cost of R140 each, the centre said it was a wonderful initiative to undertake as its first outreach project.

“These bags change the lives of these girls for five years,” said outreach convener Michelle Sayer.

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