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Belvedere pupil makes history with two distinctions

Mauricio Viljoen will go down in Belvedere School's history books for being the first pupil to attain two distinctions.

This is the highest number of distinctions the school has achieved from one pupil in the six years it has offered matric.

In 2013, the school, which caters for mild to moderate mentally handicapped learners, had its first distinction from a matric pupil.

19-year-old Mauricio, who is a very slow reader, made history when he received As in tourism and mathematical literacy in the 2014 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations.

The youngster narrowly missed distinctions in Afrikaans and civil technology.

His proud mother, Fransie, said she tears up every time she thinks of her son’s achievement.

She said she is a very proud mother and commends her son for overcoming the odds.

Mauricio entered Belvedere School after failing his Grade Eight year at a private school which did not cater for special needs children.

She said her son was initially reluctant to move to Belvedere; worried by the label of it being a school for “dumb children”.

Three months after moving to the Farrarmere school, Mauricio made a 360 degree turn around.

His mother said he became more confident and worked his way up to being the top performing academic in Grades Eight to 12.

Fransie said her son used to tell less fortunate children at school that although they may not have a lot of money, at least they had a school and the ability to make their parents proud by performing well academically.

He would also talk to and comfort children who were too shy to approach teachers about their problems at home.

Apart from inspiring those around him, the youngster drove less fortunate children to school in his car at a reduced lift-club petrol fee.

Mauricio has secured employment at a company that sells CCTV equipment.

Due to his financial situation, he is unable to study towards a qualification in order to become a financial adviser, which would be a dream come true.

His passion stems from his desire to educate people and to make them think of providing for their old age by taking out policies.

Mauricio said, if given the opportunity to study further, he would take it with open arms.

He urged this year’s matrics to listen in class and take notes of important things that are discussed.

Fransie thanked Belvedere School teachers for their hard work in making it a “fantastic school”.

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