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Business women conclude an enriching year with Rocco de Villiers

A year of business empowerment, quality entertainment and sterling friendships formed was ended off in style at the East Rand Business Women’s gala brunch.

At the elegant event, which was held at the Birchwood Hotel on Saturday, November 15, the society and its guests were spoiled with the company of the charming Rocco de Villiers.

The renowned pianist performed some of his classic and modern melodies and entertained the women with intervals of stories of his life experiences.

With his talent for comedy, De Villiers caused a constant echoing of giggles through the venue.

Despite the overcast weather, the day, it was brightened up with guests being dressed according to the theme; “colour block your world”.

It was announced that founding member Susan Noppe’s term as chairwoman has come to an end and Marinda Lombard will be taking the reins.

A special thank you was given to Noppe for her efforts in making the society successful.

It currently has 76 members and the women are always up for making new friends and encourage even more women to join them in the coming year.

The society is a networking forum for business women and monthly meetings include a guest speaker, business exposure, raffles, prize-givings and lunch.

Next year they will celebrate 15 years of existence and a celebration is in the pipeline.

To find out more about the society, contact Glynis Holdsworth on 082 901 2813 or at

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