Horses and donkeys put at Bullfrog Pan while owner is overseas

Visitors to the Bullfrog Pan and its surrounding area raised concerns about a herd of donkeys and horses spotted at the pan.

Renee Rossolimos, inspector at the Benoni SPCA, confirmed that eight donkeys and four ponies were placed at the pan by their owner, who is on a trip overseas.

The SPCA was notified of the animals on July 16, for the first time.

Rossolimos said the owner did not have permission to leave the animals at the pan.

The society does have the name of the owner, and has been trying to get hold of him and his daughter, to no avail.

The Benoni SPCA and Highveld Horse Care Unit are still busy with investigations, in order to reach a decision on the removal of the animals.

According to a complainant, the condition of the animals is deteriorating, due to only a little grazing, following a fire.

The City Times reported on the Bullfrog Pan’s water being contaminated, due to waste that was pumped into a storm water drain that runs straight into the pan, a week ago.

Rossolimos said the owner provided a bale of grass and the SPCA has been leaving fresh water for the animals.

She added that they are monitoring the animals, together with Highveld Horse Care Unit.

Managing director of the Highveld Horse Care Unit, Beverley Seabourne, said it is legally difficult to remove the animals when they have feed and water provided for them.

“We are, however, taking action with one of the animals, about which we are concerned,” she said.

The society has sent out an urgent warning to the owner, to contact them.

The City Times was unsuccessful at contacting the owner’s attorney, on August 4.

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  1. We are sitting over looking the pan and watching the donkeys. They look good and there is food and water provided.

  2. This is an absolute joke. Nothing but a way to generate a story to increase some weak agencies publicity. These animals are in excellent condition, the bull frog pan is a protected area of land with perfect conditions for these animals. I urge anyone to come down and see for yourself. The reality is in complete contrast to the bull shit story portrayed by the press.

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