
Water Tanks – your questions answered

Installing a water tank is a great way to keep your garden green and your water wastage low. The experts from JoJo Tanks answer your most common questions.

Is municipal water expensive in South Africa compared with other countries?
Currently, the cost of water in South Africa is not that high, so we tend to be wasteful. The reality is that in the future there may simply not be enough water to meet the world and the country’s future needs, so the need to save water will be forced upon us.
According to the Earth Policy Institute, municipal water rates around the world have increased dramatically over the past five years; 27% in the United States, 32% in the United Kingdom, 45% in Australia, 50% in South Africa and 58% in Canada.

How long can water be stored in a tank?
It can be stored indefinitely, depending on what one intends using it for.

How much water can I harvest?
You can calculate this quickly by knowing your roof area and then simply multiplying your total m2 of roof area by your annual rainfall average. This will give you the total potential catchments for the year. With the average SA rainfall of 464mm, up to 23 000L of water can be harvested from a 50m2 roof – enough water for 165 showers.


For a really easy way to work out how much water you could collect, Go to the JoJo Tanks website and click on the Rainwater Harvesting calculator tab.


What size tank should I buy?
The most common question faced when purchasing a water tank is by far, what size of water tank is needed? The ideal volume of an on-site water tank is usually between 700 and 1 500L, providing enough water to supply the average house demand for about two days. However, if you would like to water your garden in addition, you will need a much larger capacity so each individual needs to calculate their monthly water usage and then make a decision on tank sizes.


Can I drink the water in the tank?
It is not advisable to use rainwater collected off the roof for drinking purposes unless there is no other source of water. If you’re ever in this situation it is advised to boil the water before drinking it. This means bringing the water to a rolling boil for a minimum of one minute – an effective means of disinfecting small amounts of water quickly, making it safe to drink.


What can I use the water for?
You can use the rainwater you harvest for all household purposes and gardening. And if you buy a good-sized tank (about 5 000L) you will be able to harvest enough water during the rainy season to see you through the dry season.


Article courtesy of EasyDIY



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