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Pretoria Road needs an upgrade

No funds to upgrade Pretoria Road.

A complaint was received from Marcus Kneen, a concerned citizen, about the state of Pretoria Road and the urgent need for an upgrade.

He explained how the road construction, through Fairleads, has failed and that there is damage to the road through Rynfield.

Years ago, Pretoria Road was due to be upgraded to a four-lane dual carriageway.

However, the upgrade and construction process never took place.

Ekurhuleni acknowledges that they are aware of the need to upgrade numerous roads in the various agricultural areas, where development is rapidly occurring.

Pretoria Road is a heavily trafficked Class Three mobility arterial road.

“The planning and design to upgrade Pretoria Road is at an advance stage of finalisation through both Rynfield and Fairleads,” said the metro’s communications department.

“At this stage the upgrading is pending, subject to the unavailability of funding.”

The construction process can commence only once funding is available, and after the contractor and the consulting engineers have been appointed.

Ekurhuleni has “Turn-Key” contractors, who are appointed on an as-and-when basis and will be used to construct the upgrading works in future.

“Construction can be expected to occur within the next three years,” added the metro.

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