
Station commander talks about crime in Benoni

Benoni SAPS will make arrests

The Benoni Police Station has had an almost 100 per cent success rate with arresting murder suspects since the arrival of its new station commander, Brig Poobalan Subbiah.

Subbiah revealed this and discussed the progress and criminal challenges still faced in Benoni, on Thursday, June 12, at a Benoni Community Police Forum (CPF) public meeting, at Benoni Junior School.

Subbiah took over as Benoni SAPS station commander in February.

He said, at the meeting, that Benoni is hardest hit by property crimes, such as housebreaking and the theft of motor vehicles.

The station commander said his goal is to rid the city of criminals and to secure convictions.

“At the end of the day our task is ridding Benoni of criminals, not moving criminals out of Benoni,” he told the public.

”When I talk about ridding, we want to apprehend.

“I have a very simple principal by which I work: I would rather arrest the person (the criminal), have them convicted and have them serve their sentence, than move them away.”

By apprehending criminals, he said, law enforcement has the opportunity to compile a data base to establish with whom they are dealing.

The station commander is intent on continuing the fight against crime.

“I am not here to relax, I am here to work, to make Benoni safe for the benefit of everybody in Benoni,” he said.

“We have very, very good detectives in Benoni; I might not arrest the suspects immediately, but it will be coming, that’s how it works.”

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