Elections 2014News

‘I want to cast that vote’

Voters in Benoni are intent on making their mark at voting stations across the town today, despite long queues.

Vuyo Ngqoyi, who stood in a queue at the John Barrable Hall for over an hour and a half this morning, said ”I want to cast that vote – I won’t leave’.

Many other voters commented on the Benoni City Times Facebook page in response to a question asking whether they would return home without voting if confronted with long queues.

”As frustrating as it is I really hope no one goes home without casting their votes,” said Vickie Whitehead.

”You are enriched with the right to choose who rules this country … don’t waste that right!”

Beth McDonald said, ”Not a sausage!” 

”I can’t complain about the running of this country and e-tolls then not vote … I’ll stand all day.”

Hayley Walker commented, ”No, we can’t afford to be complacent.” 

”We have a whole day to vote.”

Cagney van der Riet said, ”I don’t care if it takes the entire day!!!

”I am casting my vote!!!”

Franca Fanicchi Carstens said she went home.

”Voting station just around the corner.”

”WILL place my vote by 9pm today.”

Voting stations will be open till 9pm this evening.

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