
Furious residents express views on Nigerians protest and the situation

Incensed residents in Western Extension are displeased at the behaviour displayed by Nigerians in the area.

A group of Nigerian men, protesting against the police, whom they claim suffocated “their brother” and disposed of his body, took their frustration to the streets.

According to the residents, the men stuck several placards with messages telling the police to leave them alone on trees around intersection of Turvey Street and Elston Avenue.

The City Times noticed only one placard stuck to a tree when we visited the area on January 22, and it was not clear what has happened to the others.

Ward 28 Councillor Mary Goby also received complaints about the men breaking bottles in the streets.

“We understand their frustration with the police, but their behaviour is badly affecting the neighbourhood,” Goby said.

She added that sticking placards on the trees is illegal, as it contravenes the bylaws, and it’s even worse when done on living trees.

“They are now destroying this little area,” she said.

Goby also felt sorry for the residents and businesses in the area.

“There are also two schools nearby and we hope it does not spread to them as well,” she said.

Resident Debbie Dosrels said that being terrorised by the Nigerians is not something new.

“They shout and scream; actually, we have been terrorised every single day for a very long time,” she said.

“They are doing illegal things there and are vandalising the whole area.”

Other residents, who commented on, fail to understand why the Nigerians suddenly feel victimised.

“Why are the Nigerians suddenly victims when, only a few month ago, they were shooting each other in a supposed turf war, frightening the neighbours and selling their ‘wares’ all over the area.

“If the Benoni SAPS did their job, Brixton SAPS wouldn’t have to come in and help them.”

The commentator alleges that they kidnap and enslave young girls and prostitute them.

“They sell drugs and kill our youth,” wrote the commentator.

Another resident said one house is well known for drug dealing.

“They are up-in-arms over the disappearance of one of their brothers, when they have been destroying our youth for years, so they must bear the consequences for brazenly breaking the law with the sale of drugs.

“It seems that they are being protected by the police; they have caused the deterioration of our town and do not contribute one iota to the economy of our country,” continued the resident.

Another reader remarked: “I cannot believe your audacity.

“Who is protecting us against you?

“Drug dealing is a crime and protection is for the innocent tax paying residents, of which you are neither.

“You are crying over one brother, we have been crying for years over the destruction you have caused in our town.

“Sympathy is something you do not deserve and innocent is something you may not claim to be.

“The only thing that is ‘out of hand’ is that you have been allowed to carry on doing what you are doing for so long and that our police are too incompetent to do anything about it.”

The house where the incident occurred is on the list of “problematic properties” said to be housing “drug dealers and hookers”, compiled by the Western Extension CPF.

The CPF is working on evicting occupants of such houses and it has gone as far as enlisting the services of the National Prosecuting Authority.

Letters of eviction were delivered to such houses last year.

Some complied, while others are pending.



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  1. Can’t believe you scumbags, criminals yourselves have the gall to initiate such a “protest”. When you consider that you do not contribute to this town,country or economy, but in fact drain from it in that you do not pay taxes, have bribed the cops , are here illegally, push drugs,are a bunch of pimps and can’t even keep your sidewalks clean, I’d much rather see you on your way back to wherever it is you came from…. Maybe one day when cops actually do their jobs. Good Luck Councillor Goby!

  2. These Drug Dealers flaunt the law, and then cry and demonstrate when something doesn’t go their way!! Has anyone demanded that they apply for a Section 205 before demonstrating and marching !! Why were they not arrested for illegal gathering. As usual Benoni SAPS sit and do nothing. The CCTV were put there to watch that particular house for a very good reason !! WHY DON’T THEY ALL GO BACK TO NIGERIAN WHERE THEY GET THE DEATH PENALTY FOR SELLING DRUGS !!!

  3. I can hardly wait for the day when Brixton SAPS will visit our Little Melville again!

    Hope all the Nigerians “dissapear”!

    Its time that EVERYBODY in Western Extention stand together and CLAIM BACK what use to be a lovely town which is now in ruins because of these scumbags!

    There is enough proof of the illegal activities going on at that house! Why are they still there? Why is Benoni SAPS not doing anything about it?

  4. What ever happened to the proposal to prosecute the owners of such properties if there are illegal activities going on by their tenants?

  5. One down 50 to go. The fault lies woth Benoni SAPS 100%. There is no pride in the police who shake hands with the Nigerian drug dealing human traffickers. I hope that every cop who has taken a bribe finds his child half naked in a Nigerians filthy bed with a heroin needle in her arm like so many decent tax paying mothers have.

  6. It would be nice if we can get more out of those handling the eviction, we have been hearing about it for months. Could somebody please try and keep the residents in the loop! Surely this is something that should have been treated as urgent! How much worse must this get before the residents get heard?
    Make this a priority we deserve better from everyone that has sworn to protect this community!

  7. The delay is not I can assure you due to those who are committed to cleaning up WE, but due to mountains of complicated red tape. Communication is sent on a regular basis. No magic wands unfortunately. If you are concerned please feel free to come up with some creative ideas eg a march with 500 residents to the police station for eg?

  8. Dear “To close to home”.. What have you done about the eviction of 26 Turvey or infact the eviction of any drug house in Western Extension?
    How do you possibly suggest “those handling the eviction” keep the residents in the loop? You do realize that ” those handling the eviction” are normal citizens of Western Extension just like you… Do you suggest they post their efforts in the BCT for your comment and criticism while you sit on your ass and do nothing. At least there are people TRYING to make a difference.

  9. As a Homeowner I am disgusted that we have to tolerate Nigerians breaking the Law by selling drugs etc in Western Extension. Why does it take +- 5 years for the Benoni Police to do something? and other Police from neighboring towns have to do their work for them. All our properties have lost their values because of the Nigerians and nothing seems to be done about it. Must we all take the law into our own hands for result. Benoni was always known as “The Place to live”. All I need to say is NIGERIANS GO BACK TO WHERE YOU COME FROM!!!!!

  10. You know if the residents in W E would refrain from attacking “get off your ass” We might be able to
    Sort out the problems. As far as I am aware there is still something called freedom of speech .Not all of us are as out spoken as you “get off your ass”. The cameras in Turvey Street might be a silent but more effective way to sort out our problems. Those dear “get off your ass” were requested by the residents of Turvey Street and thanks to CMS might be our saving grace. Those of us that live down this side have had to put up with more than you could ever imagine. We deserve to see something more than just encrypted answers.

  11. Dear Sworn in thank you for your input, and yes it would be great if we could get 500 residents to march. A few years ago my family and I did take part in a march along with a few other residents; unfortunately it did not get us anywhere. I am sure I speak for many a resident in W E who works a full time job. We have marched, we have sat in endless public meetings and all we have had is empty promises. I take my hat off to every resident in this area that dedicates his private time to protect the residence of Benoni.I do believe that the problem might lie in the fact that we do not know how much has been achieved by these dedicated people. This website seems to be a great way for us all to communicate, so may I suggest that you use it to communicate with the residence. I am sure that like myself the rest of W E might find some comfort in knowing which drug houses have been evicted in let’s say the last twenty four months. Is this available to the public? If so I am sure it would be good for us all to see that there is some hope for W E. Again I must thank you and the Bct for the chance to voice my opinion.

  12. Looking through the postings on 26 Turvey, i pick up a trend that makes me wonder how dedicated some of you are. WE are facing a common enemy, not just local , but worldwide.
    But back to Benoni, i can sense the anger of “too close to home” and “disgusted homeowner” with the system. Lets face facts; THE SYSTEM IS NOT WORKING !!!! certainly not to OUR advantage,and the snails pace is exhausting enough, let alone the poor results, by results, i am commenting on the “lack” of report back on evictions and convictions.I too am a property owner and have also had them NEXT DOOR to me, thank goodness they’re gone!
    The BIG problem is 26 Turvey, always has been and the lack of “action vs results” is like crying wolf. Same old, same old. Yes, people are getting angry, I am angry! I dont have the answers to the problem, but i would urge “get off your a$$” to get your own head out of your a@@ and realise there are residents all over this suburb that DO in fact , BY NOW deserve to have this problem resolved..{question to “get off your a$$” – do you have drug dealers NEXT DOOR to you that we ought to know about? . . didn’t think so!}
    So as a resident too, a home owner, i urge those “in the loop” to be forthcoming and share the progress with those who have a problem who for their own reasons, be it work or fear of reprisals, cannot participate in marches and campaigns. You likely DO all know each other, and stop this “personal” bickering,are we here to get accolades for ourselves only? NO, we need to work together , and expect anger to be vented UNTIL some results give us all a sense of satisfaction knowing that the system can and does in fact bear results..
    People are fed up, and we now need to stand together and CLEAN UP.the process, if its being snarled up in red tape, let the people know “what” the problem in fact is. Maybe then some other good samaritan may come along and offer assistance, or put pressure on where its needed. Again, I do not have the answers to this problem.

  13. Surely the huge Drug, Prostitute and Crime problem in Benoni and the rapidly decaying areas in Western Extension should galvanise residents to stand as one and fight to rid our suburb of the scum who come to our country to make a living .They destroy families with their drug dealing ,live in overcrowded houses and are busy reducing our once beautiful town to a slum.Surely less of the Big Ego’s and in fighting and more co operation with one another ,more information given to the Public would be a start.I too would like to know which twenty odd drug houses were closed down , the progress of the other dozens that need to be closed and how these degenerates manage to rent further up or around the corner. And lastly where are the Police / Hawks who know full well what is going on here ….why do they not rid our
    town of the vermin ???

  14. Absolutely – all the residents should stand together and join an organization, engage with the police, report filth to council etc, participate in marches etc. Having a full time job is no excuse to let others do it for them. Anything less and one falls into the ‘apathetic’ category.

  15. Reading through all the comments on ways and means to clear the suburb of Western Ext, of all this vermin, I’m amused and perplexed at the ” attitude ” that some of the contributors display towards one another.

    The one comment is the fact that whether one has a full time or not, that shouldn’t preclude one from actively participating in the various campaigns that are seen to be necessary to resolve the problem.

    I’m pretty sure that YOU dont ALL have a Full time job requiring one to leave home at say 6.30 in the morning, returning at 6pm at the end of a hard day. A necessary job at that, in order to pay off a bond / rent or to pay off a car every month! . .Having to prepare dinner [not take out meals]. . !What about School going children?. I’m sure that the residents of your suburb would love to be more active, but simply cannot.

    Some of the previous comments seem to indicate that people feel alienated when it comes to the dessemination of information, be it progress reports or actual success stories, in the fight against this drug scourge that has infiltrated our society.

    Therefore I urge you to change your attitude, be more considerate of those families that have a reason for not being active in the fight against this scourge. The obligation of the ACTIVE MEMBERS who have taken up this charge, ie; To protect OUR society, must do so WITHOUT prejudice. Without trying to settle scores! . . This is the underlying problem in my eyes. Fortunately I do not have this problem on my door step, although I do frequently pass through “FILTHY LAGOS” !

    I wish you well in your endeavours!

  16. We remain commited even to you who are too busy and cannot find the time to attend a meeting once a month for an hour. And as for your school going children? We are doing it for them. So sit back and relax knowing that a small handfull of people are really trying to make a difference. I personally will never change my attitude towards an apathetic community because you never know who may land up living next door to YOU.

  17. Dear sworn in.
    What has the so called arganization done? Nothing! Just talk talk talk. The only “red tape” as you call it comes from the “organisation”. A need to know basis! I just wonder why this “organisation” has decreased so badly?
    Sory but this is just my thoughts

  18. Dear Gatvol
    You just have to drive in the streets of WE and you will see how many houses have been cleaned up, so if you are referring to the organization who has done it then I agree – the organization has decreased. They got rid of a lot of incapable dead wood. :)

  19. Give me a break !! This is precisely why no one joins this organisation !!! Its worse than kindergarden !! Wake up people !! This is exactly why our town is riddled with Drug Dealers !! Because you are too busy battling with each other, and “glory seeking” to actually get the job done.

  20. “Not the right platform”-I really don’t know where you have been driving around but it’s not in WE! PLEASE LIST THE HOUSES THAT HAVE BEEN CLEANED UP! Please while you are at it give us the stats from SAPS.
    The proof is in the pudding on why your members have decreased, so please feel free to show us what you have done! Dead wood as you address the members are all residents of WE and deserve the same respect that you in your arrogance demand.

    “Sworn in” –lets drop the sarcasm shall we! You are part of an organization that has minted meetings I take it. Would you like to release those minutes to the residents of WE and let’s see what has been sorted out from one month to another? Maybe we should contact the schools and ask them how much their problem with school kids on drugs, has decreased since you have been protecting the children.
    You are an organization policing the police, instead of trying to ‘PROTECT US THE APATHETIC COMMUNITY “as you so arrogantly put it! – Deal with the problem that is on hand.
    We need and deserve a permanent brigadier in our police station, one that does not think that his job is to go on holiday. Clean out our police station, our cops are not doing their jobs that is why we have to call in outsiders.
    At the end of the day it is not my job or yours to police this neighborhood but THEIRS! You want to know what your position is in WE it is to stand up for the residents, not to degrade and belittle them.

    The word apathetic that you so love using (showing or feeling no interest or concern)
    Is both insulting and not necessary.

    Use your influence “Sworn in” for the people you have sworn to protect rather than to bully them.

  21. Yes – I do agree with the points that ‘too close to home’ raises.. Please let us give support where its due. I do believe that WHATEVER the reasons for one NOT being able to participate, this ought to have nothing to do with where and how the problem at 26 Turvey st is dealt with!. [remember 26 Turvey is for now the main objective ! ! ].

    Please you cynics who are prejudiced towards some in the community, shelve it. Take the charge you have been given , or volunteered for, seriously and STOP with your insidious tongue lashings that you you so freely dish out.

    We have a common problem , a common enemy, and by way of “your” negative comments / criticisms you are not garnering support for the CPF of other organisations that you represent.

    Please, Mr sworn in, take your ” command” seriously, build, Listen to the people, and try to keep the hostilities out and away from the real issue !

    Your apathetic bunch ARE committed, committed to clearing up this mess and if YOU can direct, lead by example, show us the way forward in a DIGNIFIED and PROFESSIONAL manner, include us in the program, share with us, then we will without doubt achieve some results that will bolster the ranks..
    Are you, and the other adjutants in your command willing to “include” us, irrespective of whether we can be at the front lines or not ??

  22. Well put Maverick,To close to homeand Grown up.
    I think the best way is to contact the dead wood and find a reason why the dead wood left by choice. NO one from the organization got rid of this so called dead wood. They left because people in the organization blows their own horn. Want the lime light on them selfs. Need the “PLATFORM” for themselfs. I would like to see the 30 so called houses that were evicted?! I can also see another way of dealing with the issue of the problem in WE – BRING BACK THE VIGALANTIES!!!!!!

  23. Wow !!! Dead Wood !! Platforms !! Ha Ha. You forgot Walking Ring/Boxing Ring and Playpen !!
    Seriously….Every Resident has the power to change things. They don’t need the insults and petty fighting that surround these wannabe Car Guards/ Organisations!! Go Higher ! Go Bigger. The only Platform that exists in WE is the Toilet Seat we are living on.

  24. Western Extension residents have been venting their anger for days on this forum and still nobody “Bigger & Higher ” has come forward from any so called Organisations ,surely they are keeping up with what is happening and how frustrated and despondent people are …..not just ‘Too close to Home ‘ has lost faith , we are all waiting for ANYONE to produce real answers ?? Maverick you have hit the nail on the head …this is a massive task , to prevent the entire Western Extension from becoming a crime ridden slum . This job needs all your requirements ,all the resident on board ….plus a Miracle !

  25. Dear residents of Western Extension:

    As the chairman of the CPF in Sector 5 I would like to say the following:

    Due to the nature of the problems we deal with in Western Extension it is virtually impossible to post information publically regarding the efforts we have put in (and continue to put in) in order to rid our suburb of the drug and prostitute problem.

    As we have learnt from the past; information leaks very quickly and this has stifled efforts to obtain arrests and evictions. Forewarning is foreplanning when it comes to those involved in organised crime, and yes, drug dealing, is organised crime. Our endeavours are however spoken about at our monthly sector meetings.

    Our members are all residents of Western Extension, we all have businesses, jobs, families and social lives. We have however taken the responsibility upon ourselves to try and improve the situation in our area. No easy task, I’m sure you will agree.

    As a structure we have, over the years, been directly involved in the eviction of, or persuasion of landlords to evict, over 20 houses within the suburb. The task of evicting the remaining houses has not been so easy. We have tried every avenue and ultimately put our hopes in the hands of the National Prosecuting Authority who are working with us; however the process is not a quick one – much to our frustration.

    Lets also be clear on who the landlords are, that willingly rent their houses to drug dealers. If it were legal for me to name each landlord publically, be sure I would do it. I will say this, these landlords, that willingly and knowingly profit from the sale of drugs, from the demise of families and the deaths of those that cannot control their habbit…. they live among us. A wealthy business man who’s business purports to be based on Christian values lives a wonderful life in his mansion in Lakefield while the rest of us deal with the filth, degradation, drug dealing and prostitution that carries on from his property in Elston Ave. His angered response to us over the years has included “you find me new tenants and ill kick them out” and “the NPA can’t do anything to me”..

  26. In reply to some of the comments below, whether directed towards the CPF or not, as follows..

    “Grown Up” – Not only have we fought corruption, landlords, prostitutes and drug dealers; we have had to fight members of this community too. In fairness it would be unreasonable to assume we can all “get along” especially considering the pressures and frustrations that we in Western Extension live under. However the common goal is often forgotten for the sake of petty bickering which is unfortunate and results in more time being spent in hearings than focusing on the elimination of crime. There is NO glory in doing what we do. It costs us time away from our families and it costs us money but more importantly we put our lives at risk. I have yet to see a positive comment from the community regarding the successes we have had, I have yet to see comment from the community thanking the CPF for the hard work and dedication that the members selflessly put in to try and uplift this area. Be sure that none of us do this for gratitude or adulation. This town has thus far managed not to go completely down the drain BECAUSE of our organisation and not in spite of it.

    “Gatvol” – If you cannot understand why some things are on a need to know basis than I cannot help that. The bottom line is information IS leaked, which can even jeopardises our own safety at times. For your reference, this organisation increases on a daily basis despite people such as yourself who seem to seek the demise of the CPF for whatever reason. There is nothing stopping anybody from acting in their private capacity in an effort uplift the area.

    “Amused” – Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I would just like to mention that none of us are obliged to protect our society; the responsibility is taken on willingly. Those that are obliged to protect us are the police, the EMPD, the councillors etc who all get paid to do the job that we as residents, to a large extent, find ourselves doing. It is not the fault of the CPF that this suburb has degenerated into what it is today, we have only tried, and continue to try, to improve the situation. It also seems that people quickly forget how bad our streets were two years ago. From rampant prostitution in Kimbolton Ave, Elston Ave, Park St, Newlands Ave, Kemston Ave, Howard Ave, Turvey St, Railway Ave etc, we have reduced the quantity as well as spread of prostitution mainly to Turvey St, Elston Ave and Kimbolton Ave.

  27. What has occurred (and this does need addressing amongst our members) is that so few have fought for so long that it has exhausted many of us. The perception seems to be that if the CPF can’t “sort it out” they are useless. Our hands are also tied, there is only so much we can do… we are not policemen, armed response, municipal workers or councillors. We are at worst, a “group of concerned citizens” and at best we are “a voice to be heard”. The CPF does give us a platform to air our problems directly to SAPS and EMPD, and this is done by each sector chairman at a monthly meeting.

    A member does not HAVE to be active in terms of patrolling etc (although this would be nice). A member can simply be a “stoepsitter” who passes on information. We don’t have anyone who can type up a community newsletter or send out mails etc to keep the community informed… Our time, like everyone elses, is limited. What an organisation like our needs is for people to come forward and say “I’d like to help, what can I do”.

    I do not accept criticism of our organisation unless it is constructive. How can anyone criticise a bunch of residents of the suburb who give so much of themselves personally and financially to make a positive difference. It is high time that this community stands together as a collective to sort out our situation. The decent upstanding folk of this town outnumber the drug dealers, pimps and prostitutes ten to one however up till now we have accomplished what we have with 15 dedicated people alone.

  28. Join the CPF, come to meetings, get a handheld radio (, be actively involved and by all means bring your problems to the table, but try bringing a solution as well. Our meetings are constructive and positive but we are not miracle workers. It is up to each and every individual to take responsibility for the situation we are in and to try make a positive difference.

    Lastly, it is very easy to anonymously comment and criticise from behind a computer screen. Those that do not like the CPF and the efforts the members put in, can you not do something more constructive than try make a public mockery of our organisation? It is insulting. To the CPF members who are taking the bait and being drawn into the mudslinging, please stop; you do not need to defend yourselves or the CPF. Our actions, efforts and accomplishments over the years have been tremendous – I am proud of you all and proud to be part of a fantastic team of selfless individuals. Keep focused on the problems and keep up the good work.

    Travis Taylor
    Sector 5R
    Benoni CPF

  29. Good day folks,
    I have added my response below. I have had to break my message into four separate comments as it wouldn’t allow me to upload all at once. You will have to start at my “last” comment and read up.

  30. Well said Mr Taylor. I am not, and never will be a member of any organisation. I have lived in Benoni since the 1980’s, and I watch it deteriorate daily. But I know, that as a resident, I can have a voice, which is not the case when involved in an organisation that changes its rules daily. The press are here for a reason, and any resident, can use these tools to have a voice, but CPF cannot. Give the info to someone (not a member) to share. Freedom of Speech. The dead wood being spoken of, is exactly the comments that draw people to this forum. Petty minded people, with Hero Notions do not belong within the ranks. Get rid of the right “dead wood” and stop fighting each other. Take a look at how much attention the drug dealers have been given just because they stand together.

  31. Mr Taylor [ aka sworn in?]. . your POSITIVE attitude is VERY encouraging!. I will, for NOW remain a sceptic. I too have sat in many meetings at the town hall and other venues and have listened to the wishes , the hopes , the dreams that have been voiced over the years. The threats of the houses of ill repute being confiscated by the asset and forfeiture unit.[ since 2007? ]
    I do acknowledge the fact that CPF has done a lot to discourage crime, prostitution and petty stuff in between. The CPF likely too have played a role in evictions in one way or another, until recently when your article in the Benoni City Times highlighted the fact of letters being handed to owners. Commendable! . All the members, as a combined group deserve a BELL”S for what has been achieved, regardless. REGARDLESS!. Because, success will only be becoming if All feel that they have and can play a part.Regardless of what role they perform[ed].
    One point you commented on in your attempt at creating unity is the fact that YOU or the CPF are ” not obliged to protect the community”.

    I beg to differ ! ! strongly at that!. The day you and anyone becomes a member of the CPF, the baton IS handed to you to “serve and protect” the community in one way or another.

    So i urge you to take up the challenge, share “priviledged information” WHERE it matters. Take those home owners / residents into your confidence and let them know what is happening. Engage with them!

    No wonder everyone is so pissed off, “intelligence gathering” is essential, but keeping it away from those affected will not change theirs and others’ perception of what has / is being done to resolve the problem [case in point – 26 Turvey].

    I will give credit to you and your organisation, presumably a lot IS going on behind the scenes, but an olive branch needs to held out to those who are most affected.

  32. I have read all the comments below. Amused – you are hitting the nail on the head. Mr Taylor wants people to join their organization but according to him all info leaks out. To me it sounds like there is a lot of backstabbing going on. Why do you get rid of “dead wood”as they call it if your organization has rotten wood amongst yourselfs? Get rid of the rotten wood first. Also Mr Taylor, I dont agree with your need to know basis. Let the people know what is going on and what to look out for and together we can all achieve a lot more than only the few “selected “that is kept informed – need to know basis. Gatvol mentioned that the organisation has decreased. I have to agree with him. I also attended your meetings at the police station and town hall etc. and I recall then that the organization had more than 50 dedicated members. You say the organizatrion has grown since then. But in your comment on 29 Jan at 16.58 you admit that you only have 15 dedicated members?!
    Somehow your calculations doesnt add up.Something is seriously wrong here. You contradicting yourself

  33. I have had the pleasure of meeting you Mr Chairman – you and your team are a welcome sight in the area. Across from the swimming pool those houses were a nightmare! Thank you

  34. Dear Mr. Taylor
    Thank you for joining our healthy little debate, I would also like to thank the CPF member who sat
    With me last night and gave me feedback on all the evictions that have taken place.
    I will list the street names and dates as they were given to me unfortunately CPF are not wiling for the actual addresses to be posted.
    Evicted in 2009-2 in total
    Kemston Avenue x 1
    Elston x 1
    Evicted in 2010¬- 7 in total
    Railway x 1
    Mowbray x 1
    Wooten x 2 (semi’s I believe)
    Elston x 3
    Evicted in 2011- 2 in total
    Elston x 1
    Evicted in 2012- one
    Mowbray x 1
    Evicted in 2013-4 in total
    Elston x 1
    Kemston x 1 (ABSA instructed)
    Green flats
    Railway x 1
    Newlands x 1

    16 Houses in total over a five year period.

    I was also led to believe that there is some hope in 26 Turveys eviction, though I have been informed that they have gone to see our lawyer and have hired a lawyer of the own. Business must be booming at 26 Turvey, the asset forfeiture unit I have been told have also working on this, so CPF are very Excited!
    I like “amused”, remain sceptic and will wait for a positive result and let’s hope it will not take another five years.

    Mr. Taylor and the CPF member who dedicated so much time this week to post on the BCT
    and have an informal meeting with me, thank you!
    I must admit though that I found it quite amusing when going onto this website that the same words you posted were said to me at the meeting-verbatim!

    Mr. Taylor I have made a suggestion to your CPF member that a meeting be held in the town hall and that you call in all the big guns. I have further suggested that you call this meeting on behalf of all the families that have suffered by the negative and soul destroying impact of drugs, contact the schools and find out what impact it has had on them. A psychologist who could explain to you and the rest of the community what makes these people tick might also be a good idea.
    It might help all those who do not really know what a nightmare it is dealing with this issue, to understand more on what we are going through. Maybe if you listen to these people you would also understand what the real world out there is about.

  35. Thank you “too close to home ” for that usefull information which was on a “need to know basis ” with a lot of “red tape “. Thank you CPF for evecting those problematic houses. Its just a pitty that a comunity member had to post the addresses. Hope we can all stand together now in solving the issues in WE

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