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Art route in your backyard

Art lovers are in for a treat as the Benoni Art Route - first established in 1994 - has been re-implemented.

The route was brought back to life by Elaine Marx (founder of Art Alive) and landscape artist Paul Botes.

It ran for only a year after it was first established.

The inaugural art route will commence on January 26, for the year, barring December.

It will consist of 17 points, including businesses and artists’ homes.

Patrons will have the opportunity to meet the 20 participating artists, all except for one of whom live in Benoni, at the stops.

Marx said the route offers a unique opportunity to view art in close proximity to people’s homes.

“Patrons, buyers and, in general, people who appreciate the finest local illustrated arts and crafts, will be able to meander through the points en route, and visit the different venues at absolutely no charge and with the luxury of their own transport, thus not being rushed to keep to a predetermined schedule,” said Marx.

“With the variety of artists and crafters included in the Benoni Art Route, it is the perfect opportunity for some artists to share their pride and joy (be it studio, workshop or gallery), while others might best find expression in a setting more conducive to stimulating conversation, such as recognised restaurants or cafés.”

The Benoni Art Route can be viewed on www.benoniartroute.co.za.

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