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Elderly woman beaten up

A case of common assault was opened after a Western Extension restaurant manager was assaulted by two men, on Sunday, November 24.

The 58-year-old victim, who does not want to be identified for fear of repeat victimisation, was allegedly beaten by two middle-aged men who visited the restaurant.

The victim said two men entered the restaurant (which she does not want to identify) at 5.30pm, and started drinking.

The assault occurred shortly after the manager asked the suspected assailants to leave the restaurant at 7.30pm, as is was closing time.

“Gentleman, don’t you want to take your drinks and have them outside?” she asked the men.

“The next minute the young guy swore at me, so I went and pushed the panic button.”

She said the men then entered the venue and cornered her, after which she pushed them outside.

The younger man then allegedly held her, while the older man punched her.

The woman said she punched the younger one, who was holding her arm.

She said she was grabbed by the neck and almost strangled and later kicked on the ground.

The men then apparently assaulted her while she was on the floor.

“What am I going to do? ” she asked herself during the incident.

“All you try do is defend yourself.

“Survival was the utmost thing.”

The men took off when the woman’s husband arrived at the restaurant to take her home.

The men fled by car shortly after the husband’s arrival.

“Since then I am battling, and very worried, and I cannot get it out of my mind,” she said.

“I am very agitated.”

According to the complainant, the Benoni police have the men’s identity.

Police said no one has been charged with the crime.

They are awaiting information on the suspects’ place of residence.

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  1. Mess with a friend and you mess with me !!! Those Pigs – seriously cannot believe this.

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