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Shopping centre keeps Sassa pensioners’ tummies full

The elderly Sassa recipients said they were very happy about the hospitality they receive.

To ensure Daveyton pensioners are strong and healthy while they wait in queues for their Sassa payouts, Mayfield Square in Daveyton has been providing hundreds of beneficiaries with food on paydays for a few years already.

According to marketing manager Douglas Mkhonto, this initiative started after an elderly person fainted while queuing for her grant.

“Upon investigation, it was discovered that the person fainted because of hunger and had taken medication without eating.

“As centre management, we saw the need to prevent this from happening again. We decided to give the elderly and disabled people food when they come to collect their grant money.

Mayfield staff members who serve the elderly Sassa beneficiaries monthly while queuing for their Sassa money.

“None of the elderly have again fainted and this initiative is appreciated by many beneficiaries and the general public,” said Mkhonto.

On May 4, the elderly were very happy to receive fruit packs.

Sassa beneficiaries queue for their Sassa SSA grant money at Mayfield Square.

One of the beneficiaries, Thandi Sibeko, said: “The hospitality we receive at the centre is good. They serve us with love and compassion.”

Another beneficiary Leah Mokoni said when she came to collect her money last month, she received Vaseline and a tube of toothpaste.

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