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Local SAAFA attracts new members, executive unchanged at AGM

Nine new members joined the East Rand Branch while the total membership is sitting at 60.

Former navigator in the South African Air Force (SAAF) Nick Cardases has joined the South African Air Force Association (SAAFA), an organisation of former SAAF members because his heart is still attached to the force.

Cardases was announced as one of the nine new members who joined the East Rand branch at its AGM at the Moths Cottages in Northmead on March 11.

Roelf Rossouw will serve another term as the SAAFA East Rand chairperson.

“I started as a pilot navigator in the 1970s training young guys to become pilots and navigators so that when a pilot or navigator dies in the line of duty, another can take over,” Cardases said.

After this, Cardases was seconded to the maritime operation unit and then the 35 Squadron Shackleton where the main job was coastal patrols and keeping trawlers out of their territory to curb illegal fishing.

As a navigator, he said they used stars and the sun to determine the position and direction of travel across the sea as they had no satellites in those days.

Former South African Air Force navigator Nick Cardases (left) and his pilot son, Devon.

“We had electronic navigation to patrol the coast but because we had no satellite, we used the stars to find our way around. We used to fly 18 hours in the sea.”

Cardases, who joined the organisation with his son who is also a pilot, said organisations like the SAAFA are important for members to share memories and to also continue the camaraderie they once shared.

During the AGM, members voted to keep the branch executive committee, consisting of chairperson Roelf Rossouw, vice-chairperson Dave Taylor, treasurer Mac McCloskey and secretary Marj Malan, unchanged.

In a room adorned with military murals, apparel and old army equipment, the meeting was opened with a recital of the SAAF code and a remembrance of members who have departed.

Members of the SAAFA East Rand branch at the organisation’s AGM.

In his chairperson’s report, Rossouw thanked all members for their continued participation, enthusiasm, support and friendship.

“This motivation helped us to excel in all our pursuits and constant endeavours to create value for you,” Rossouw said.

He also sent condolences to members who recently passed away, saying “may the Lord guide and pave the way for the love surrounding them to bring comfort and peace. We will always remember them”.

Dave Taylor.

Rossouw announced that as of February the branch had 60 members and that they have started to honour their living legends, following in the footsteps of the SAAFA Durban branch.

He also announced they are writing a book, which will chronicle the history of SAAFA East Rand and the research process for this project has already begun.

Marj Malan is the secretary of the SAAFA East Rand branch.

Treasurer McCloskey reported that despite a terrible 2022 where their bank account was closed due to the FICA act restrictions, their finances were stable.

Rossouw invited former SAAF members or aviation enthusiasts who want to join their branch to go to www.saafa.co.za or contact him on 060 583 8618.

Also Read: SAAFA toasts another successful year

Also Read: SAAFA, a meeting place for aeronautical enthusiasts


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