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Letter to the Editor: The disappointent doesn’t end

Email your Letter to the Editor to benonicitytimes@caxton.co.za.

James Duncan, Benoni, writes:

I continue to be disappointed by the performance of our “new” Ekurhuleni council, a year or so into its election.
Here’s why:

• It continues to politick, even among its allies, about nonsense, instead of getting down to fixing basic problems.

• It does not have an effectively communicated strategy and plan it can articulate to the electorate about what it sees as its priorities, what the costs will be, and what the timeframes for resolutions will be.

• As ratepayers we just continue to pay, despite the absence of meter readers and refuse collectors.

• Further, our roads and other infrastructure continue to fall apart, and our parks and recreation areas remain unattended.

• Our townships are a disgrace.

• Our town centres and public areas are simply filthy. In Benoni, the state of our lakes is shameful.

• Informal settlement continues, uncontrolled.

• Uncontrolled informal mining activity is frightening.

Where does accountability for the overall, ever-deteriorating situation within our community lie?

Our previous opposition, now in control, whined for years it could do nothing because it wasn’t in control; this is no longer the case.

Time to grow up, step up and start convincing the electorate it can deliver tangible and visible results.

ALSO READ: LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Mismanagement to blame for city’s decay

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