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Learners pay tribute to Bokgabo

Learners pay emotional tributes to Bokgabo

Learners of William Hills Secondary School, Actonville, heeded the call to search for Bokgabo Poo (4) when the little girl went missing on October 10, in Wattville.

While some abandoned their books to search for Bokgabo others joined vigils to pray for her safe return. Her body was found in a veld in the area, the following day.

Given the gravity of the murder and the impact it had on the community, the learners held a fundraising initiative on October 28 to raise funds for Bokgabo’s funeral.

Learners pay tribute to Bokgabo Poo and plead for an end to child murders.

“Learners recited emotional monologues about the level of crime experienced by the youth and the fear it has installed in them,” said Soaad Bham, an educator at the school.

“These learners, who barely have enough to survive, opened their hearts to donate to Bokgabo’s parents. It was heart-warming.”

The event also allowed learners to seek emotional support and counselling from volunteers from Family in Need, a local NPO.

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