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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Mismanagement to blame for city’s decay

I have lived in this town for in excess of 60 years and all I can see is decay

Jeff Jane, of Northvilla, writes:
In August 2021, I wrote a letter to the City Times regarding the slow construction of the water tower, in Northmead.

I see in the paper dated October 7, that the completion date has once again been extended.

I was a structural engineer during my working career and cannot understand how this project could take four years to get to 76% completion.

It seems to be a total mismanaged project which we as rate payers, I assume, are financing.

My question is why is no one in the council taking responsibility for the obvious late delivery and functioning of this much needed water supply unit?

We only get excuses from the Ekurhuleni Metro’s spokesperson.

Then reading the article regarding Willowmore Park falling into disrepair it brings to mind the fact, that it is similar to the municipal swimming pools and other metro owned entities suffering the same fate.

ALSO READ: LETTER: Out of service telephone lines put residents at risk

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