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Painter uses art to heal

He started painting in 2019 to express himself

Self-taught artist Mikhiel Groenewald believes there’s a correlation between art and healing.

The Nigel-based painter exhibited his artwork at the Benoni Art Route at CR Swart Park recently.

Most of his work is built in layers using his hands and paint brushes with a blend of colours which is meant to bring excitement and joy.

Among his vast collection were two pieces that carried a deeper meaning that sent him through a wave of emotion while working on them.

One is an abstract work with a combination of colours meant to evoke your emotions. The other is a painting of a blue whale deep in the ocean which depicts Mikhiel’s love for the ocean and the harmony it brings to the world through waves.

“I love whales. I’ve learnt that they communicate in a special way. They send out frequencies as they travel all around the globe. They sing healing songs. They are co-creators,” he said.

An environmentalist and lover at heart, Mikhiel’s message is that of co-existence and love.

“I’ve seen what we are doing to this beautiful earth God gave us so we can have an experience of life. We are destroying the same place where we are supposed to flourish.

“Whales are a big part of the ecosystem. I gave my expression through it to call on humanity to sing a healing song, plant trees and spread love instead of hate.”

His abstract work includes a myriad of colours married to each other.

Mikhiel said he intended it for people who may be going through challenging times or health problems to find relief.

“I think of all my abstract work as a gateway where our Creator’s energy can flow through to bring us whatever we want. I painted it in this manner so that when you stare at it, it gives you an opportunity for the energy to flow through. That’s why I say it’s a gateway to healing. I want people to receive something from it than just sheer beauty,” he said.

He started painting in 2019 to express himself.

“I had a great desire to give expression to my creativity. I felt I needed to loosen up and painting gave me ample opportunities to express my emotions and what I felt in my soul,” he said.

To view Mikhiel and other artists’ work, visit the Benoni Art Route on the first Saturday of every month at CR Swart Dam in Rynfield.

Also Read: Admire artistic creativity on Benoni Art Route

Also Read: Exhibition attracts hordes of art lovers


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