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Mr and Miss Benoni partners with local do-gooder

GMF makes it easy for ordinary individuals to make a tangible difference in the lives of those less-fortunate

The plight of those less-fortunate is a constant reminder that government is not coping with socio-economic imbalances facing the community.

As individuals, many have the desire to offer a helping-hand to those in need but vetting sustainable causes may often be challenging.

Gregg Mitchley, of the Gregg Mitchley Foundation (GMF), in Jatniel, takes the guessing work out of community out-reach work, subscribing to the motto of ‘kindness in action’ the organisation offers continued assistance at grass-root level.

Growing up, Gregg watched his mother, Marlene, bustling around, packing care packages for the needy and handing it out as she went about her daily commutes.

“It was only when I got older that I realised what a huge impact her deeds had on the lives of those she helped,” said Gregg.

“In 2017, I watched as my father became isolated and lonely following the onset of diabetes and I vowed to do something that will serve children and the elderly.”

In 2019, Mitchley established GMF and has since been providing care and food parcels to individuals throughout Benoni and beyond.

He further dedicates his time, by regularly visiting local old aged home, rounding up beauticians and hairstylists to pamper the residents while taking the time to chat with them, enjoying their stories of days gone by.

Through the foundation, Gregg aims to connect willing donors to the needs of the less-fortunate.

“The needs that I encounter are diverse yet with the generous and continued support of donors I am able to meet those needs,” he said.

As part of this year’s much anticipated Mr and Miss Benoni pageant, the organisers, Rampage Modelling Agency will be hosting a glitzy fashion show in aid of GMF.

“We decided to partner with GMF as a way to channel the extraordinary energy and generosity of ordinary people who want to make a difference,” said Claudine Stuart.

“Gregg realised that many people were looking for opportunities to share their time or donate financially but felt overwhelmed by the scale of the social and economic problems.

“It is his vision to find and publicise specific causes, quantifying the needs and making meeting the needs achievable.”

For more information about GMF contact Gregg on 083 380 1016 or log onto www.gmf.co.za.

For more information about Mr and Miss Benoni 2022 or to become a sponsor email claudine@rampagemodels.co.za.

ALSO READ: Are you the next Mr or Miss Benoni?

ALSO READ: Foundation works hard to help the less fortunate


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