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Benoni pays tribute to paramedic who died in helicopter crash

Farrance (26) was a paramedic at Netcare 911 and died doing what he loved – helping people.

Former Benonian and paramedic Sinjin Joshua “Josh” Farrance will be remembered for the sacrifices he made and the lives he changed.

The 26-year-old Netcare 911 paramedic died doing what he loved – helping people.

Farrance and four of his colleagues died on January 21 in a helicopter crash.

“The specialised ECMO intensive care rapid transfer team from Netcare Milpark, in Johannesburg, and Netcare 911 were aboard the Netcare One air ambulance en route to Hillcrest, KwaZulu-Natal, to transfer a critically ill patient to Netcare Milpark Hospital for specialised ECMO care,” Dr Richard Friedland, CEO of Netcare, said in a media statement last week.

The former Northmead resident found his passion to be a first responder at Benoni High School.


Former Benoni High School learner dies in helicopter crash

“From a very young age, he always wanted to be a medical doctor. He loved people and just wanted to help them and make them better,” his mother, Stacey Farrance, said.

Stacey said after he completed matric at Benoni High her son enrolled at the University of Johannesburg, where he obtained his emergency practice degree.

“Sinjin went on to work for Netcare 911, working his way up to Helicopter Emergency Medical Service,” she explained.

“He had the most amazing way of engaging with people from all walks of life and a way of lifting up your spirit, and always had time to care about anyone.

“He will be remembered for sacrifices he made and the many lives he changed.”

Tributes from Benoni High staff and former learners

• “An exceptional young man with the kindest heart and gentle disposition. He was always cheerful and positive. He was a leader (RCL) and was so good with the youngsters.”

• “From Grade Eight he showed that he had a kind, caring heart and a gentle soul. He became co-vice-captain in 2010 and remained until 2012. He helped train the new first-aiders and was the best ‘casualty’ when we had to do emergency scenarios.”

• “He was more than a first-aider to me, he was my son. He was the first one to call me mom and the nickname stuck. My heart hurts to know he has gone too soon, but I know God has called back one of his angels.”

• “He was one of the most dedicated RCL members at Benoni High. I remember how he took charge of situations and the times he offered to assist at all our functions.”

• “He was very friendly and got along with everybody.”

• “I remember him as a wonderful, caring, competent young gentleman. I especially remember his lovely smile.”

• “Josh, from the first time I met you (after injuring myself) you were nothing but kind. All you ever wanted to do was help people.”

• “There are absolutely no words to describe the kindness that emanated from Josh’s heart. His departure from this world has left a gaping wound in the hearts of many.”

• “You used to give the best hugs. You have left a void in us that we can never replace. Fly high.”

• “You were so kind to everyone you met and helped those who were lost find a place where we could feel loved.”

• “A person with an awesome soul and heart of gold. Josh your memories will always be with us.”

• “The impact that Josh made on my life has been enormous. He was like the big brother I never had and had my back through thick and thin.”

• “One of the greatest men I ever knew. He inspired me to pursue the very same career and was the best captain who ever graced the Benoni High School first-aid team.”

• “Thank you for making most of my teenage life bearable. You are a great loss to this world. This community and your friends and family will miss you terribly.”

• “I have come across a lot of people in life but none have that kind of heart he had, forever smiling. He always had a positive attitude. He never took people for granted.”

• “Josh always knew how to motivate and put smiles on our faces, even at the most boring times.”

• “He was more than a mentor, he was a great friend.”

• “You added colour to my world and your friendship was one I will treasure.”

• “You were always someone I admired and looked up to. You will be truly missed and you will never be forgotten.”

• “Josh was the nicest, most beautiful soul I’ve ever come across. When I think about Josh, the first thing that comes to mind was his hugs.”

• “You dedicated your life to serving and helping others.”

• “Someone as special as Josh will never be forgotten. He will remain in our hearts forever.”

Netcare 911:

“You always tried to ensure your patients were pain-free when they needed analgesia. We are deeply saddened that we could not be there for you when you needed us the most. I am sorry we could not do what you have done for hundreds of patients across the country,” said Benedict Ledwaba, a longstanding colleague.

“We will remember you for your warm smile and strong character. You have raised the bar for all clinicians within the critical care division and we are immensely proud of the work you have done.

“You have run your race, my dear Sinjin, now is the time to go rest.”

Our Facebook readers said:

• Blessing Scottish: Rest, you’ve done your part.

• Renee Braithwaite: So, so sad. Sincere condolences to all who knew and loved him.

• Angie McKay: He was definitely an angel who seemed to give his service to saving lives and lost him so soon.

*Sinjin is survived by his parents, Stacey Farrance and Markus Stienen, step-father Paul Farrance, step-mother Cherine Stienen, and life partner Alex De Kock.

His funeral will take place in Benoni (for the attendance of the family only) on February 2.


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