
CoE “doesn’t care about state of infrastructure

We have many vulnerable women leaving for work during the early hours of the morning, and the lack of lighting is a safety concern to them.

Gerrie Meyer, of Witfield, writes:

I am really hoping that you could assist in resolving an issue that I have been trying to get sorted with the Ekurhuleni Municipality before Covid-19 reared its ugly head.


Five traumatic years of huge potholes

There is a pothole in Knights Street, and after many mails to the metro this pothole has not been repaired. It’s located right in front of the main entrance of a complex, and vehicles get damaged as they enter or leave the complex.

Furthermore, the stormwater drains in the area as well as many streetlights are not working in this part of Witfield.

The trees in the road have not been cut in years, and they are now obscuring the few streetlights that are still working.


Stormwater drains need proper maintenance

We have many vulnerable women leaving for work during the early hours of the morning, and the lack of lighting is a safety concern to them.

I have been in contact with the DA councillor from the area and he has done his utmost to assist, but the parties that are responsible for this just don’t give a hoot about the state of the infrastructure of our suburbs.


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