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Artists enjoy a day out at art exhibition

The Benoni Art Route was back in full swing on October 25, at their first “walk-through” exhibit at their new home, CR Swart Park, Rynfield.

“The day was very busy for us at the tea garden,” said Stevie Ancient, president of Benoni Van Ryn Rotary Ann’s club, which ran the tea garden.


Come walk through the Benoni Art Route

“There was a steady stream of visitors throughout the day and we served Prego rolls, tea, coffee, cakes and cold drinks.

“We unfortunately had to close when the rain started but all in all it was a great day, and great to be out again.”

The artists that were out on the day with their paintings were seen enjoying the fresh air and were excited to show off their work.

It was later reported that around 12 paintings were sold on the day.

“Its very nice to be out again, doing the Benoni Art Route and it’s at least a nice day, the sun is out and a fresh breeze is blowing, so I am happy,” said Alistair Leach, an artist.

“It’s so wonderful to be out again in the fresh air, especially because my daughter is here with me today. I spent years telling her how good her work is and have been trying to convince her to come with me and today she is finally here,” said Magda Scheepers, an artist.

“It’s great to be outside again and here with my mom,” said her daughter, Lizette Scheepers, an artist.

The route is open on the last Sunday of every month, from 10am to 3pm.


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Visitors can look forward to various forms of art, such as sculpture, oil painting, knife making, poetry painting, stained glass, water-colours and more from at least 22 artists.

The next exhibition takes place at CR Swart Park on November 29.

Visit benoniartroute.co.za for more information.

According to the website, the Benoni Art Route is committed to giving you a feast for the eyes.

Visitors are welcome to contact their favourite artists and visit them at CR Swart Park on the allocated dates or arrange a meeting at their studio.


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