
Vandekeere sentenced to life for rape, murder of Chantelle Barnard

Eleven witnesses testified, with Vandekeere declining to take the stand.

“I hope he rots in jail,” were the words of an emotional Suzette Barnard, mother of the deceased Chantelle Barnard, after hearing the sentencing of Jurgen Vandekeere.

The 42-year-old was sentenced to life imprisonment for rape, life for murder and five years for defeating the ends of justice in a sitting of the Pretoria High Court at the Benoni Magistrate’s Court on September 14.

The mother said the sentence given to Vandekeere will not bring her daughter back, but she is relieved justice has been done and her daughter can finally rest in peace.

“What he did was hurtful, she didn’t deserve to die like that,” said the emotional mother.

Chantelle Barnard’s parents, Suzette (left) and Fanie, outside the courtroom on September 10.

Suzette and her son, Jacques, wore purple ribbons in memory of her daughter. It was the first time he felt able to attend the court proceedings.

“I just feel for my son because he still cannot take it and he still gets emotional when we talk about his sister.”

Suzette explained that Jacques and Chantelle were born only 11 months apart and were very close, like twins.

“I hope my son can get on with his life and that we can all move on now,” she said.

Vandekeere’s trial began on August 31 and ran until September 3.


Vandekeere faces judgement today

Eleven witnesses testified, with Vandekeere declining to take the stand.

Vandekeere handed himself over to the Benoni SAPS on January 15 after being on the run from police since September 9, 2013, when he failed to appear in the Delmas High Court for the start of his trial.

Chantelle, who was murdered 10 days before her 21st birthday, was found in Vandekeere’s house in Brentwood Park on April 1, 2011, after she went missing earlier that day.

She had been raped and stabbed in the throat and the accused had allegedly also washed her body. At the time of her death, Barnard was renting a property that belonged to Vandekeere and his father.

Murder victim Chantelle Barnard.

“A container of make-up and a bottle of shaving foam were next to her body.”

Chantelle had gone there to give her keys back to the landlord, as she had relocated to another property.

The last time anyone heard from her was at around noon that day.

Her family and friends started searching for her when they discovered her cellphone was off, as it was very unusual for her not to answer her phone or for her to have it switched off.

Acting judge Portia Phahlane said the post-mortem shows that Chantelle suffered a painful death.

Chantelle had some of the following wounds:

• Multiple cut wounds to the front and back of her neck

• Injuries on her chest

• Front teeth were lose

• Her left ring finger was injured

• Her face was swollen and she had a blue eye

• Her left knee was injured.

According to testimony in court:

• Vandekeere had asked his domestic worker to leave on the day of the incident, saying he had a meeting to attend. However, according to the domestic worker, this was unusual because he had always left her in the house whenever he had to errands to run.

“He had thought of his plans and he didn’t want any interruption, hence he told the domestic worker to leave,” said Phahlane.

• Vandekeere had no injuries on the morning of the incident.

• Chantelle’s underwear and handbag were found in the house.

• A bread knife that had Chantelle and Vandekeere’s blood on it was found; there was also blood found in the house.

• A television was on in the house, paused on the image of a naked woman.

• Chantelle’s body was found with her legs open, which shows there was an intention of sexual violation.

• He told Chantelle’s mother that Chantelle “enjoyed it” and didn’t even plead for her life.

• He washed the body to destroy evidence.

• It took “an army” of people to get Vandekeere to open the door.

• He lied to Chantelle’s mother and boyfriend when he said she had left in a white Toyota.

• He got angry when he was asked where Chantelle was.

Phahlane said Vandekeere is a danger to society.

“He has showed no remorse and after being on the run for seven years he still failed to address the court on his version of the incident,” she said.

“It is the court’s duty to protect women and children and to also send a clear message on gender-based violence matters.”

She said the court will be failing if they don’t send a clear message to those who abuse women and children.

“Rape is an indisputable crime, it degrades one’s privacy and dignity and murder should not be punished lightly.

“Many women and children live in constant fear and hardly a day passes without the media reporting on gender-based violence,” she said.

Phahlane referred to several sentences to support her decision.

She added she did took account of all the sentences and statements brought forward by both counsels.

Vandekeere will serve his sentence at Modderbee Prison.

Benoni SAPS Det Capt Peter Mbonani said he is happy the case if finally over and justice has been served for Chantelle.

He said the case has been stressful because the family and friends have lost hope that Vandekeere will ever be found.

“The case was stressful because Vandekeere fled the country and we had to place him on the wanted list with Interpol,” said Mbonani.

“I am happy that at last the court was able to show gender-based violence is a serious crime and it should not go unpunished.”


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