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Another gold for Chetty

Kayleen Chetty loves karate and despite the lockdown, she will still bring home the gold.

Kayleen Chetty trains and fights for The Dojo NWS under the watchful and trained eye of sensei Takis Chaniotakos.

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Chetty recently participated in the Gauteng Provincial Online Kata Championship Tournament and placed first in her age category, bringing home yet another a gold medal to add to her collection.
She is ranked first in Gauteng and fourth in South Africa in her respective age and weight division for kumite.

Kayleen Chetty.

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“We have been training online during lockdown via Zoom with sensei Takis and he has been keeping us fit, but I really miss my friends and hope to see them soon. I cannot wait to train in the dojo once again. I enjoy the online training sessions, but it’s not the same as training in real life,” explained Chetty.

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