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Learners express their feelings on cancellation of this year’s St Dunstan’s Easter Sports Festival

The festival is a highlight of the Benoni sporting calendar, for what would have been the seventh year.

The 42 high school and 14 primary school teams which were scheduled to take part in the 2020 edition of the popular St Dunstan’s Easter Sports Festival were left disappointed when the event was cancelled due to the pandemic.
Some of the youngsters who were looking forward to competing in this massive event, which draws a huge number of participants and spectators, shared their feelings about missing out this year:



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Wian de Jager (St Dunstan’s first team rugby captain):
Regarding the cancellation of the Easter festival, it is a huge disappointment for myself and the other athletes to have to cancel the festival this year. I really enjoyed the festival in previous years as there was a great atmosphere of competition and also appreciation of sport in general.

Myself and the other matrics were especially looking forward to this year as it would have been our last one.

We also looked forward to playing against some of the rival schools and enjoying the festival at a whole. With regards to staying active and maintaining fitness during this time it is quite difficult due to lockdown, but I have been doing some home workout plans with body-weight just to maintain fitness and stay active.
Jenna Harris (St Dunstan’s first team hockey captain): The Easter Sport Festival in previous years has definitely been the highlight of my high school career. There is an awesome vibe and it is a great opportunity to show off your talents in your specific sporting code. The festival also gives you an opportunity to interact with new people and provides an awesome time for your team to bond before your season officially begins. The cancellation of the festival this year is extremely disappointing, but the health and well-being of all players and spectators would be put at a great risk if it were to have gone on while the virus is still so serious. Prior to the cancellation I was most looking forward to the opening dinner, which would have given my team time to form a great bond. I was also really looking forward to the time spent on the field playing against some great competition. During lockdown my team and I have been and still are working on our fitness continuously by doing high-intensity interval training (HIIT) programmes, as well as other workout routines.



Excitement mounts for St Dunstan’s Easter Sports Festival

Gugu Madlala (St Dunstan’s head girl, member of the netball team):
This year would have been my second year playing in the festival. Last year was my first experience, and two things that I thoroughly enjoyed was getting to play competitively against schools I’ve never played before.

I’m a sucker for the competitive atmosphere, and to constantly be a part of such an atmosphere for four days is incredible and the second thing I thoroughly enjoyed was the social part.

I got to meet so many new people and make new friends and create new memories I will never forget! I was extremely saddened when the Easter Sports Festival was cancelled due to Covid-19 and I sincerely hope that things will go back to normal soon! What I was looking forward to the most would have been the festival itself. I know I have grown immensely in my playing and I have also developed tighter friendships since a year ago, so I was definitely looking forward to experiencing the exact same things like the socials and tournament, but with a different mindset to what I had last year. I was also looking forward to how the first team for 2020 was going to play, and making new memories with the girls. My team is very lucky to have such a caring coach who assists us as much as she can when it comes to keeping fit during lockdown. She often sends us YouTube links of short exercise sessions we can do and our captain, Kylie van Wyk, has also been sending us daily challenges controlled by the Tuks netball girls, so we take part in those and send our progress back to the WhatsApp group that we have together. Even if it is something small, I strive to do something small every single day, to keep my mind flowing and so my body doesn’t forget how to play netball!

Corbin Greenslade (St Dunstan’s first team hockey captain):
Last year’s festival was awesome because we got to play in a Benoni High school vs. St Dunstan’s derby for the first time. Playing quality games in front of some larger crowds was an adrenaline rush and it really created a good team vibe for the rest of the season.

It was quite upsetting that it was called off as we were really working hard at training in preparation for the festival.

I think for most of the juniors it was disappointing as it would of been the first time playing in their first team kit and for the seniors it was an upset that they weren’t able to play in their last festival. For the whole team it was not being able to enjoy a full weekend of hockey.There is a fitness programme the team has been following to stay in shape for the rest of the season and I’m sure many players are messing around with their hockey sticks working on new skills throughout lockdown.

Kylie van Wyk (St Dunstan’s first team netball captain, first team hockey player):
I have been privileged and honoured to play in the St Dunstan’s Easter Sports Festival for the past three years and was very much looking forward to my final year of school to make many lasting memories with my teammates. The festival was the place to be for your team to grow together and have as much fun as possible and create many friendships and bonds.

I was looking forward to the Gala Dinner at Emperors Palace on the first night as we welcome back many friends that we have made in the past.

I was looking forward to the festival as it is the highlight of my year, it is the start of the season and everyone is excited to play together, but this is not going to happen this year for me. I will miss the team talks before and after the tough matches and the encouragement that we give one another and the team building. It has been a tradition for the last couple of years to have a sleepover with your team on the night before the festival. As it is my last year and I will never have this opportunity again due to lockdown. During lockdown I have been able to have a fitness and strength programme to replace my sporting practices.

Sean van Wyk (St Dunstan’s first team hockey player):
I have been privileged to be part of the first hockey team for the past four years, with 2020 being my final year, which is an occasion I most looked forward to, and now the festival is cancelled. I remember my first year at the Easter Festival in Grade Eight when we had our Gala Dinner at Emperors Palace. I was the baby of the team and all the matrics made me do crazy things in front of the other teams. The highlight of the evening was always the guest speaker.

Last year, I was awarded the Player of the Tournament and was going to try my hardest to achieve this award again, but due lockdown I will miss the opportunity to win this award for a second consecutive year, defending my title.

I will miss the competitiveness and the fighting spirit we have with the other teams during the tournament. It has been a privilege to see this tournament grow from strength to strength every year. During lockdown I have been following a HIIT programme.

Sydney Wynne (Benoni High first team hockey captain):
I found the Easter Sports Festival to be a great experience, a place to have fun while gaining new skills and knowledge of the game of field hockey. Going into 2020 knowing it would be my last year of playing for my school, I most certainly wanted to make it a memorable last season.

The Easter Sports Festival was definitely one of the highlights for the upcoming season that I was looking forward too.

It’s a place that brings the team together and highlights how important it is to work together and then reap the rewards. Hearing that the festival had to be cancelled was upsetting knowing it was going to be my last and final one. But, I haven’t given up my fitness just because of lockdown. I’ve been staying fit and maintaining a healthy body as well as a healthy mindset through HIIT workouts, including jump rope.

Erin Navias (Benoni High first team hockey vice captain):

The Easter Sports Festival is a tournament that brought a team closer together and we would be able to form a bond, as well as learn skills and routines from the other schools playing and expand our game plan and knowledge of the game.

Knowing it would be my last year playing hockey for my school, I was looking forward to the festival and I wanted it to be an unforgettable last season.

The Easter Sports Festival was definitely my highlight for the year last year and for the hockey season. It develops a team bond and memories that I will never forget. Hearing that the festival had to be cancelled was upsetting especially knowing it was going to be my last one ever. But during lockdown I’ve been staying fit by having a workout routine every afternoon as well as hitting around a hockey ball or playing tennis with my family when we get a chance. The St Dunstan’s Easter Sports Festival will commence in April 2021.

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