
Minor raped at an open veld in Mayfield

A case of rape was open at the station.

The Putfontein Police are searching for a man who allegedly raped a minor in an open veld in Mayfield on March 9.

Spokesperson Const Raider Ubisi said the minor and her friend were coming from the mall and decided to take a shortcut through the open veld.


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“While walking, they came across two men who said they will show them a quicker shortcut,” said Ubisi.

“Along the way, one of the men started accusing the two minors of wanting to steal mealies at the veld.”

Ubisi said each of the men got one girl and went separate ways.

“One of the men raped the girl, threatened to kill her should she tell anyone and then they met again in the middle of the veld and they let the two girls go.

“The other girl was not raped,” said Ubisi.

A case of rape was open at the station.

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