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Jaguars roar with pride at BPL

The Jägermeister Jaguars faced off against the Belgravia Hounds in the hopes of taking home the gold.

The Benoni Premier League (BPL) final was held on Friday evening, January 31, at the Benoni Action Sports Centre in the CBD.

After long games full of sweat, tears and close scores, it was the Jägermeister Jaguars who won.

This put the Belgravia Hounds in second place, leaving third place for the Po10c Panthers.

The sports centre was buzzing, with children running around, parents cheering and friends screaming. So many different emotions were evident on this long-awaited evening.


Karatekas awarded

The prize-giving was held shortly after the matches, with Hercules Roodt, the business development executive (BDE) from Halewood International, and the owner of the arena, Eric Opperman, handing out the awards as follows:

• Best Batter of the BPL – Ian Crawshaw (Belgravia Hounds), who won R500 prize money

• Best Bowler of the BPL – Clayton Ceronio (Bacardi Boars), who won R500 prize money

• Most Valuable Player (MVP) of the Tournament – Egbert Lubbe (Pushkin Pandas), who won R1 000 prize money.

The teams that placed also received prize money. The Po10c Panthers received R3 000, the Belgravia Hounds received R5 000 and the Jägermeister Jaguars, as the overall winners of the BPL, took home R10 000 prize money.

Roodt was thanked for securing sponsorship from Buffelsfontein and Belgravia.

The next BPL will commence on November 6 this year.

It will also include ladies’ cricket and netball (mixed), which they offer at the Benoni Action Sports Centre.

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