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Watch: Aiden back in Benoni and happy with life

Aiden has arrived in Benoni after undergoing several procedures in Switzerland.

The da Silva family is so grateful to the community for opening their hearts to them and giving Aiden (7) a chance to have a normal life.

The City Times met Aiden upon his return from Switzerland where he underwent several operations and this young lad is a fighter to enjoy life.


Parents plead for help to assist child who has had about 60 operations

So what is a normal life you may wonder? Well to me, it is everything we unknowingly take for granted.

The da Silva family brought Aiden’s condition to the attention of The City Times earlier this year because he needed about R1-million to undergo complex operations in Switzerland.


Aiden is so close to breathing on his own

According to Jade, Aiden’s mom, a medical report was sent to the da Silva family after doctors from Switzerland watched videos of Aiden’s scope and the report revealed he had a severe degree of supraglottic stenosis and a moderate degree of laryngeal stenosis (this is part of the airway that is above the vocal cords which is narrowed).


Aiden will soon return to SA

Aiden had difficulty speaking so it made it hard for people to understand what he said.

He was also fed through a peg (feeding tube) due to his epiglottis being lame.

In total, Aiden underwent about 60 operations in South Africa before visiting Switzerland for more complex operations.

The story has a happy ending because the youngster returned to South Africa on August 2 and now he can do what most children can:

• Playing in the sandpit

• Swim

• Gain and maintain his weight

• Sneeze through his nose

• Wear a helmet

• Speak more clearly

• Eat solids (his favourite is ribs)

• Smell and taste better

• Have sleepovers

• Wash his hair without drowning.

“Aiden underwent the main operation on May 8 where cartilage was cut from his rib cage to regraft his airway,” Jade said.

“The doctors had to resculpt the epiglottis to open the airway and placed a stent for it to heal properly.”

This was especially difficult as the youngster could not speak for six weeks.

After the main operation, he was placed in ICU and then high care due to some complications which required further operations – keeping young Aiden in hospital for almost three more weeks.

“He was then discharged but we lived in an association so we visited the doctors twice a week for three weeks until his stent was removed,” Jade explained.

“His airway was completely healed and it was a very emotional time for us.”

Aiden then had to learn how to swallow which in itself came with some complications.

“It was hard for him so he often choked on even water,” Jade explained.

“The doctors then blocked his tracheotomy and placed a speech valve and we had to stay overnight to monitor his breathing.”

The tracheotomy was then removed and left a hole which had to constantly be scraped until it closed.

All seemed well until Aiden began wheezing and the family learnt that his airway was narrowing itself again.

“He then had to undergo another surgery and his father and sisters had to return to SA on July 23,” Jade said.

But on July 27, doctors checked his airway and it was healed again, so Aiden and Jade jumped on the plane on August 1 and landed on August 2.

“We were told to keep the house dust-free so we leave the humidifier on in his room,” Jade said.

Aiden celebrated his seventh birthday on August 8.

“It was a celebration for us because every year we realise how hard he fought and he made it another year,” Jade explained.

This year the family took Aiden to Spur so he could enjoy some ribs – something he could not before.

The youngster has goals to go camping – without electricity and join a public school.

He will visit the doctors in Cape Town in January 2019 for a check-up, but for now, Aiden is enjoying just being a seven-year-old boy.

“We are so grateful to everyone who assisted in helping Aiden to have a normal life,” Jade said.

“Our community stood together and made this possible.

“We can never explain how grateful we are.”

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