
Do you want to see Voltrex?

It's competition time again

We told you in our April 20 edition that we would run another competition to give you a chance to win tickets to The Festival, so here they are:


Wong walks to fame in LA

• What kind of music does DJ Voltrex specialise in?

• Where did the name “Voltrex” derive from? (Hint: it is two words)

• True or false: This is the third Festival @ St Dunstan’s that Voltrex will perform at?

Answers, name and surname of entrants must be emailed to sheinar@caxton.co.za with Voltrex in the subject line.

Emails must be sent by May 6 at midnight.

Multiple emails from the same applicant will only be considered once.

Only two winners will be chosen at random to each win double general access tickets to The Festival on May 12 at St Dunstan’s College.

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