
My list of failed New Year’s resolutions

It’s that time of the year again when people attempt to stick to New Year’s resolutions.

I’m not quite sure who came up with this concept, but I really hope they stuck to their resolutions.

When I hear the word “resolution”, a few things pop into my head: torture, guilt and eventually giving up because really, what’s the point?

So here is a list I compiled of failed attempts at the “new year, new me” concept.

• Going to the gym. Firstly, why would you want to put yourself through such torture? Embrace the body you have.

• Smoking. Well, this one is really dependent on the person who wants to stop – some can and others can’t.

• Eating healthy. I imagine this to be people eating all sorts of fruits and veggies and drinking lots of water to make themselves feel better for eating junk food throughout December.

• To stop drinking. I commend those people who try convince themselves to stop drinking, even if it is for just a few days.

• Read more. Yes, I am guilty of this, too, but I bought a book recently so hopefully, I’ll continue reading more books.

• Starting a new hobby. This should be something you’ve been wanting to do for a long time, else it might just fall flat.

• Spending less money. Let’s be honest, learning how to do this will take some time, but it’s totally doable.

• Travel. See new places, breathe new air, experience different cultures and meet new people. With that said I wish everyone the best of luck if any of these are your new year’s resolutions.

I really hope you will stick to them.

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