
Gas masks a must at Benoni municipal building

Peter Bachtis writes:

Gas masks are now obligatory when visiting the Ekurhuleni offices in downtown Benoni.

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The stench of urine at the main entrance is so strong that I fear that there will soon be a need for ‘first responders’ to assist those who are overcome by the noxious smells.

It seems the toilets are never cleaned and those wishing to answer the call of nature are using the outer walls of the building to relieve themselves.

Now the honourable mayor suggested there is a process to be followed when a problem arises.

Well, honourable mayor, this is a problem of cataclysmic proportions as it affects the health of the ratepayers of this town.

So what do you propose to do about this vexing problem?

Don’t dilly dally now, because it is not inconceivable that some irate ratepayer relieves himself in your office.

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