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Mother wants answers for burnt toddler

“I just want justice for my child,” were the cries of the mother whose toddler has been hospitalised for over a month as a result of his private parts being burnt.

Actonville SAPS released the woman accused of burning a toddler with what was initially thought to be acid, pending further investigation.


UPDATE: Woman accused of burning child denies allegations

The City Times spoke to the woman accused, the grandmother who was taking care of the child at the time and the mother of the toddler.

The woman accused said she did not have any acid in the house where the toddler was playing on September 20.

“I was standing outside my house feeding my son (2) when my neighbour (toddler’s grandmother) came outside and spoke to me,” said the woman.

“The little one walked into my house and was playing on the kitchen floor (which is at the entrance of the house).”

The grandmother of the toddler agreed that this is what happened when they heard the toddler crying, upon which both women ran into the house.

She said she took the toddler back to her house and pulled off his disposable diaper and saw the burns.

“I gave him a cold bath to help the burn, but I was shaken by this,” the grandmother said.

The woman then made contact with the mother of the child, who was at work, to notify her about the burn.

“I was told that my son got burnt so I went to my mother’s house where I saw my mother holding him under cold running water,” the mother of the toddler said.

“I asked what had happened and my mother was quiet. I could see she was shaken and in shock.

“I took both of my children (2 and 5 years old) and went home where we waited for my husband to take us to Tambo Memorial Hospital.”

A case of attempted murder was only opened a month later (October 23) against the neighbour because the toddler’s mother said she and her husband’s first priority was to ensure the well-being of their son.

“I did not go to work for more than a month,” the mother said.

“My husband went into depression after looking at our son battle in hospital and I was even put on a drip because we were so emotional.

“When we finally became stronger as a family, I opened the case at the Actonville Police Station.”

The mother said it was painful to watch the black marks on the child’s private parts and thighs peel.

“Doctors began treating it as a chemical burn and then the black that formed over the burn fell, taking parts of the skin with it,” the mother said.

“But he went for skin grafting and seems to be getting better faster now. He walks and is in less pain.”

The woman accused denied allegations of burning the toddler.

“I would never hurt the child; I have two children of my own and I love them,” the woman said.

“The toddler often visits and plays here and I have never hurt him, I love him as my own.”

According to the accused woman’s husband and the toddler’s grandmother, the burn is a result of a nappy burn.

The case, which was handed to the SAPS Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences (FCS) Unit, is under investigation.

“We will investigate until results confirm what caused the burn,” said Actonville SAPS spokesperson Capt Pheello Mothapo.

According to the woman accused, it was the first night she spent in jail, leaving behind her own two children to wonder where their mother was.

She was released the next morning because of the pending matter, Mothapo explained.

The mother said tests are still being concluded at the hospital because they are still treating the toddler.

“He will be discharged this week after spending more than 40 days in hospital,” the mother said.

“Then the full hospital records will be given to the police to further investigate.

“I just want justice for my son. When he grows older and asks me what happened to him, I need to explain his burn marks.”

Also read: UPDATE: Acid thrown on child

Toddler’s private part burnt by acid

Diaper belonging to the toddler who was burnt.

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