
Metro’s reasoning makes no sense

Carol Thompson, of Benoni Agricultural Holdings, writes:

I find it absolutely iniquitous that if you use a privately bought wheelie bin, it is not collected.

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According to the gentlemen working for refuse removal, they will only collect bins that have been obtained from the municipality. Surely anyone with any sort of intelligence – and here I am talking about the powers that be, not the man on the street doing the collections – should realise that if there is only one, and I repeat, a single bin out for collection, that that bin has been paid for.


Metro investigates wheelie bin corruption

Every land owner is charged automatically whether he or she puts rubbish out or not.

I also believe it is daylight robbery to charge per bin.

It is all well and good to expect people to create compost heaps, but this in itself can become a fire hazard.

I do not see why I should be forced to take my refuse, of any sort, to the dump at an additional cost to myself considering what I am charged every month for refuse collection. No provision is made for recycling.

I recycle and hand the various items to the people collecting plastic, tins or cardboard – without them, I would be forced to throw away these materials in the general dump which, once again, would force me to have to pay for additional bins!

Not only are these people giving a service for very little return, they take the bags to a sorting area and anything not re-recyclable is just left behind creating a health hazard. Often a large amount of litter is left lying around.

This refuse collection saga has been going on for many months and is totally unacceptable and ridiculously expensive.

Also read:

The wheels are coming off

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