
The wheels are coming off

John Turner, of Rynfield writes:

The roll out (pardon the pun) of wheelie bins smacks of the usual lack of dialogue from those who are supposed to manage the affairs of this country.

I have many questions.

• The wheelie bins were manufactured by Mondi subsidiary MPact.

Did Ekurhuleni purchase these bins direct or was the price increased?

• Who put the lettering on the wheelie bins?

Was it MPact, the possible third party getting a fourth party to do the lettering?

• It is obvious to many people (except the municipality) that one wheelie bin would be insufficient for most households

• Has anybody done a time and motion study on refuse collection, comparing wheelie bins to plastic bags?

Looking at the few people who have put out wheelie bins, the time to empty two wheelie bins is comparable to the refuse collectors dealing with the refuse for six to seven households

• As Melanie Dunn stated in her letter, as rubbish is not in bags, the wheelie bins are now tipped over so that one’s refuse can be scavenged.

The resultant mess is left on the verge.

When the rubbish is in bags it can be gone through without leaving such as mess.

• As Rob Carlisle states, we are paying for a service that is not happening.

Mr Gadebe, we are already paying for a non-existent service and now you want to charge us more for it.

Obviously this matter has not been thoroughly thought out, just like E-tolls.

Editor’s note:

The municipality was asked for comment.


Also read:

Council must deliver wheelie bins

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