
Damage is in the pipeline with rationing

Councillors have raised various concerns surrounding the continued problems with water supply in Benoni and the added issues of water rationing.

Clr André du Plessis (Ward 23) requested the metro to consider that Brentwood Park not be subjected to water rationing, for various reasons.

“This area has been subjected to low and varying water pressure for many years, due to the lack of efficient infrastructure,” du Plessis said.

“The piping in this area is inadequate to deal with water shut-downs.

“There may be an increased amount of burst pipes, as the existing, aged infrastructure will not be able to cope with the sudden surges in pressure.”

Clr Kabelo Mahonko (Ward 24) concurred with du Plessis, saying the suburb’s residents are continually struggling with water supply.

She said a burst pipe in Kirschner Road once again caused an interruption to water supply.

“I’ve been calling the metro, trying to find out what’s happening, but no-one responds,” she said on November 9.

“The metro should get the correct people to fix the pipe.

“Water rationing started this week and now these people have to deal with a burst pipe as well.”

Roy Hayward, a resident from Village Walk Retirement Village, said water pressure was off on November 8 and the night of November 10, times which don’t correspond to scheduled rationing for that area.

Du Plessis added: “I have it on good authority that if the pressure release valves are closed, as intended, instead of the flow being choked, it will be virtually impossible to recharge the system without ‘bleeding’ it to get rid of all resulting airlocks.”

According to du Plessis, there is also a threat that it may take a lengthy period for residents to have water pressure restored on days of rationing, after the scheduled times.

“Even if water tankers are provided it will be an extreme inconvenience to the residents, especially the numerous old age homes in this area,” he concluded.



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