
#ing it out: Embrace your life

The way you are feeling is perfectly normal.


Everyone goes through times of uncertainty in their 20s; heck, some people go through these times throughout their lives.

The important thing for you to remember is that you are young; the world is your playground.

Now is your time to embrace this life you have been given and find out what truly makes you happy.

Take walks in unfamiliar places, go for coffee on your own, discover new music, discover new food and discover new people.

I urge you to make every day one that counts and to stop worrying about the future so much.

Yes, you may not have it all together and you may feel as though you are stuck in a rut and nothing is changing, but you are your solution, you have the power within yourself to get out there and to embrace life, embrace it all, the good and the bad.

Make a list of things you want to do and make it your life mission to make your soul happy, to make your soul come alive, because we get only one shot at this thing called life and it is up to you to make it a good one – be brave.

Dear over thinker.

I think you would be surprised to know how many people share such a feeling.

There are many people out there who tend to watch from a distance, who observe the happenings around them and feel completely detached from it all.

When we over think we leave no room for true happiness.

An enquiring mind is a beautiful thing, but it is so easy to get lost in it.

Please don’t ever lose the part of yourself that asks for and desires more, but use it to create a beautiful life for yourself.

Surround yourself with that which inspires you and builds you up.

Ask the questions, read the extra information at the back of a restaurant’s menu, ponder on things such as the absolutely ridiculous decisions some people make, but, please, please allow yourself to let go.

Remind yourself that some things just are the way that they are and that not everything needs fixing and that it is definitely not your job to do the fixing.

Make your life a satisfying one, by allowing yourself to accept things the way that they are.

Enjoy the unpredictable; accept things that cannot be changed.

Stay true to yourself.

The woman behind the words: Ashlee Laurie (22)

I am a pretty normal happy-go-lucky person, well, at least most of the time.

I love to write and give advice – not that I always take my own.

Benoni has been my home my whole life and I have seen it change and develop over the years.

I see things beyond the surface and love to observe everything that goes on around me.

Travelling and experiencing life to the fullest is paramount.

I am currently reading towards a degree in education and work at a Boksburg school.

I love words and the power they have to touch lives.

Through my column, I hope to reach others through my personal experiences.



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