BusinessEditor's choiceInternational

Ask all your financial questions

I want to meet my readers.

I really have enjoyed writing this column and hopefully you, my fellow Benoni locals, are getting some value out of the articles I put out.

The purpose of this column has always been to take the fear and mystery out of investing and also other financial and economic matters.

My aim here is to explain financial issues in plain English, to make it easy to understand without all the financial jargon and gobbledegook.

I regard this column as my attempt at giving back to the community where I grew up by imparting my knowledge.

I am also grateful for the great feedback I have received from some of you and I am glad there are locals who find my contribution helpful – that is the purpose after all.

As I said, I’d like to meet you and have the opportunity to engage with you face-to-face through a seminar.

The reason for this is that I have found that there are those of you who have come up with some very interesting questions on which you needed advice.

I am hoping to have a get together where I’d like to not only talk to you about “do it yourself” investing, but also make myself available to

my fellow Benonians, to help and answer any investment or money questions you may have, face to face.

I’d like to share with you how “do it yourself” trading or investing is not as daunting as you might think.

In fact, it can be quite rewarding.

I have found that many people stay away from the market or controlling their own investments because they fear what they don’t know.

I believe that, with good honest advice, anyone can trade or invest on their own.

It is not reserved for a select few.

Knowing what kind of investor you are or even what kind you want to be is the first important step and this does not have to be a giant leap.

There are benefits to managing your own investments.

Not only from a cost saving and management fee point of view, but also, with the right guidance, you learn and earn your own financial freedom.

It’s not rocket science because an educated investor makes money.

We’ll be discussing some of the products out there that are available to investors, as well as their benefits and dangers without all the bull****.

This week, your feedback is especially important to me.

No matter what your current financial status, I am officially inviting you to come and join me – you might as well, it’s free.

If you are interested in attending such an event, all you need to do is email to to book a seat and we will send you further details.

The more the merrier!

This event is about you, for you and for your benefit and I look forward to meeting you.

Benoni resident Roberto Pietropaolo, or Robby P, as he is known in the financial markets, is committed to educate you on financial wellness, investing, and general money matters. He works for Unum, as a trader, investor, mentor and tutor. He specialises in trading the short-term derivatives market and longer term equity or share market.

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The enigma around September stocks

Refine the way you think about oil

Is purchasing property a good investment?

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