
Drink the best water here

The City of Ekurhuleni has the best drinking water in the country.

Ekurhuleni Mayor, Clr Mondli Gungubele, confirmed on Monday (May 23) that the city has maintained its Blue Drop Status, awarded by the National Department of Water and Sanitation.

The Blue Drop Status Certification rewards excellence in the area of water quality management which surpasses the requirement of the national norms and standards by some reasonable margin.

“This prestigious certification is awarded to municipalities who, according to the certification programme criteria, achieve a score above 95 per cent,” the mayor said at the Emoyeni Conference Centre, in Johannesburg.

“The City of Ekurhuleni, at 96.25 per cent is the top-scoring municipality, leading others in Gauteng.”

This certification also reflects on the municipality’s ability to sustain water quality, including incidents which may pose a threat to the public’s health.

Not only does the municipality have the best drinking water, but they were also ranked second best in the area of No Drop (Non-Revenue Water Loss) by the Department of Water and Sanitation, for their efforts in preserving water.

Non-revenue water has been reduced from 40.3 per cent in June 2013, to 32.5 per cent in April 2016.

With already 100 community ambassadors being recruited to strengthen the water loss programme through collecting of data and evaluating leakages, the municipality intends to further reduce the 32.5 per cent using various community programmes.

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