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DISTURBING IMAGE: Animal allegedly kicked to death at Bunny Park

Three Benoni Bunny Park employees allegedly kicked to death a bunny in the park today (May 2).

According to Tania Forrest-Smith, a member of the Bunny Park Animals 911 Group, the employees chased after the animal at around 10.25am.

“We saw them run after this bunny and they kicked the bunny to death,” said Forrest-Smith.

“There are three witnesses.”

The rabbit which the Bunny Park Animals 911 Group said was kicked to death today.
The rabbit which the Bunny Park Animals 911 Group said was kicked to death today.

READ here about a recent vigil held at the park.

Forrest-Smith said the workers did not explain why they had allegedly chased the animal and kicked it.

She said the animal was thrown on the back of a vehicle, when one of the group’s volunteers demanded to be given the injured bunny which was “barely alive”.

The animal died at 10.35am.

Forrest-Smith told the City Times a chicken had to be euthanased today after one of the park’s workers apparently put motor oil on the bird in order to control its fleas.

The group’s members washed the oil off the chicken, but a decision was taken to put the animal down.

“I cannot put into words the horror and disgust,” said Forrest-Smith.

“Today I felt this is the end – no more.”

Shelley Owens, co-chairperson of the Benoni SPCA, said senior inspector Vicky Finnemore was at the park today, after the Benoni SPCA were called to the facility.

Finnemore took down statements from witnesses and the alleged abusers.

Forrest-Smith, together with two other people who witnessed today’s incident, wrote affidavits at the Benoni Police Station.

Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) spokesperson Themba Gadebe said he was unaware of the incidents.

He said he would enquire with the EMM’s director of park’s to verify the claims.

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