
Race is good for Benoni

Tommy Gibson writes about the Benoni Northerns Marathon:

I was a marshal and I am a member of Benoni Northerns Athletic Club.

Send your letters to bctletters@caxton.co.za

It was a fantastic day to be able to host other running clubs at “Our Benoni Race”.

While we apologise for inconvenience created for drivers, generally most accepted the race and, in fact, encouraged runners at “our intersection”.

But, to the few who lost their temper (one woman even getting out and swearing like a trooper) we say sorry.

Thanks to the BCT, all routes were advertised.

With some planning, motorists could have avoided most of the inconvenience caused by the race.

If one breaks it down, only an extremely small percentage of time was wasted when you take the whole year into account.

The positive reaction on social media from a runner’s point of view was phenomenal!

I really believe it puts Benoni, and particularly Benoni Northerns, in a positive light!

A nice benefit was working with the Benoni Community Policing Forum (CPF), who did a great job with car intersection control.

Well done Benoni Northerns and I am looking forward to next year’s race.

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