
Learn about the Soweto Uprising

In commemoration of the 40th year since the Soweto Uprising, a workshop called #June’76 will be held at the Sibikwa Arts Centre, on Liverpool Road, Benoni South.

Police opened fire on approximately 15 000 school students in Soweto during a protest on June 16, 1976.

The protest was held against the compulsory use of Afrikaans as a medium of instruction in schools.

The workshop, which will be held from May 3 to 20, will provide an opportunity for pupils to learn more about the Soweto Uprising and the events which led to it using drama, audio, video, simulation and play-making.

The three-hour workshop will equip learners with the skills to devise a short play about the Soweto Uprising, amongst other topics.

Teachers and pupils will be given supporting material, which is included in the workshop fee.

The workshop will be conducted from 08.30am to noon or 1pm to 4pm.

To book, contact Nthabiseng Sekhobela on 011 422 4359, or email to projects@sibikwa.co.za to make a booking.

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