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Avoid the ‘cry wolf’ problem

With crime being rife in South Africa, pet dogs’ barking should be an alarm system, instead of an annoyance.

But Shelley Owens, co-chairperson of the Benoni SPCA, said these pets often bark too much or at the wrong times.

“For us the main reason is the annoyance in neigbourhoods, which often leads to conflict and possibly eventually the dog being given away,” said Owens.

“It also creates a false alarm, which means people won’t pay attention when the dogs do bark at criminals.

“Remember a dog’s hearing is much more acute than ours.

“Do not give your dog free rein to bark.”

Owens said dog owners should try to observe the cause of the pet’s barking and remove it if possible.

She gave a few examples of managing barking:

  • Close the curtains or door if your dog barks at passers-by while in the house. If, while outside, it barks at people passing in the street, bring your dog in.
  • While it is barking, ignore the dog until it stops. Don’t give the dog any attention, as this only rewards it for being noisy. Reward the dog with a treat when it quietens down.
  • Slowly get your dog accustomed to certain things that cause it to bark. Maybe it’s a tame threat, such as people walking their dogs. Use treats to teach it not to bark at everything.

“Not every training method suits every dog,” Owens noted.

According to Owens, the core of the problem should also be addressed. “Many dogs are left at home to their own devices,” said Owens.

“There is more to a dog than sitting around in your property or having it chained up to a stake its whole life.”

For more information, visit the Benoni SPCA at 3 Klein Street, Lakefield or call them on 011 894 2814/5.

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