
Cut the chainsaw noise, or else…

“Anonymous” writes:

Rynfield is well-known for its towering trees in beautiful open gardens.

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In fact, I know a number of people who choose to live in the leafy suburb purely based on their love for these magnificent bark-enclosed plants and the tranquility they provide.

These majestic pieces of timber, however, do need to be regularly maintained, frequently pruned and, sadly, at times, cut down due to damage they may sometimes be causing in a resident’s yard.

Most Rynfield residents are immensely proud of their gardens, too, and, again, good maintenance (lawn mowing, weed eating and so on) is essential in sustaining that pride.

As working class citizens (most of us are) we do not really have the time during the week to tend to our beloved trees and gardens and so we make the most of our weekends to sort things out.

I am all for using Saturdays for garden maintenance – no sweat!

I am, however, starting to get a little bit peeved by fellow residents (as well as a few surrounding schools in the area) who continue to run ear-splitting garden appliances non-stop on Sundays and on public holidays.

Sure, get some gardening work done on a Sunday (preferably after 9am), but let’s try to keep a limit on the constant hum of blaring landscaping implements (chainsaws, weed eaters and such) in our environment on these supposed days of rest.

On Human Rights Day my family was trying to enjoy a peaceful braai in our backyard at around 1pm.

A neighbour had been running a chainsaw from about 8am and only cut the noise out just after 5pm.

Come on, guys!

Spare a thought for those around you.

Otherwise, I’m going to have to get my party-loving son and his mischievous mates to blast their doef-doef, hippity-hop music well into the early morning hours on a much more frequent basis.

That, in turn, could cause a Rynfield Chainsaw Massacre by a tired and angry mob of residents, and we really don’t want that now!

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