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Residents up-in-arms about crime

The murder of the late Fakrudeen Muthalib, on Russel Street, has residents up-in-arms about taking back their community.

A meeting was held at the Grapes Pub and Restaurant, on the corner of Russel and Victoria streets, on Tuesday evening (March 29).

Over 50 people, including residents, members of security companies and the Community Policing Forum (CPF) attended the gathering, to brainstorm ways to prevent crime in the Western Extension area.

A number of suggestions were put forward during the meeting, including starting a committee comprising 14 volunteers, to whom residents can speak about any concerns.

“The committee will also create a questionnaire for those attending the meeting on Tuesday, April 5,” said Grapes Pub and Restaurant owner Julie Venner.

“The questionnaire will establish which security company residents want to patrol the area.”

Ward 28’s Clr Mary Goby suggested the whistle-blowing method.

“We have been sponsored with 300 whistles,” Goby said.

These will be distributed to households to blow in the event of a crime taking place.

Other suggestions were to have more police and security vehicle visibility and to create scheduled times for vehicles to patrol the area.

Claire Reynolds, co-owner of Eat @ the Bistro, on Elston Avenue, said she needs to ensure the safety of her customers.

Residents Charmaine and Donaven Mungal want to invest in creating a safer environment, because of personal experience.

“My house was broken into during the day,” said Charmaine.

Martin Anthony, who is the pastor of the Apostolic Power House (APH), on the corner of Russel Street and Mowbray Avenue, said safety is needed for the future generation, too.

“Safety and protection of our community is not an option,” Anthony said.

“It is an act of survival of decency.”

Residents were invited to attend the next meeting on April 5 at the Grapes Pub and Restaurant.

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