
Alleged EMM employee arrested

The Ekurhuleni Metro Policing Department (EMPD) arrested a woman believed to be in her mid-20s for being in possession of dagga on March 22.

The woman was arrested at her home in Mamkele Street, Wattville, around 7.30am.

According to EMPD spokesperson Lieut-Col Wilfred Kgasago, the EMPD Public Order Policing Unit conducted a visit at her home, where they found her in possession of 11 packets of dagga worth approximately R300.

This comes after the EMPD has been monitoring the suspect due to information that they received about her selling nyaope to the youth in her area.

Allegedly the woman is an Ekurhuleni Metro Municipal employee.

The suspect was charged at the Wattville Police Station with being in possession of dagga and suspicion of dealing.

She is due to appear at the Benoni Magistrate’s Court soon.

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