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Stream of water in Rynfield angers residents

Three major valves might have to be closed in order for a broken water pipe in Rynfield, which is spewing out a constant stream of water, to be welded.

This is according to a municipal representative, who said the break will be tended to on Monday, November 16, after an inspection.

The leaking pipe is located on the corner of Trumpet and Vlei roads, across the road from the Shining Angels Pre-School.

According to Angelique Peters, owner of Shining Angels, the water has been streaming out of the pipe for the past four years.

“It was running before, then they put on the clamp, but it’s still running,” she said.

“Exactly as you see it now, it’s been running for all these years.”

Representatives of the municipality disputed Peters’ claim, saying the stream has not existed for so long.

The water is streaming out at high pressure and is apparently not at its worst during the day.

“As soon as people heard about this, they were furious, because it’s a lot of litres per minute being wasted,” said Ricky Coelho, chairman of nearby Country View.

Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality was approached for comment, but none had been received at the time of publishing.

There are currently no water restrictions in Ekurhuleni.

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